Manager hires are a joke

I can relate. I am the ONLY person who knows how to do my job. Once management catches on and hires someone to be trained in my area, they might get a better perspective on efficiency. They only know one speed, ME =D I will ride this train until it runs out of fuel, then i'm outty.
I can relate. I am the ONLY person who knows how to do my job. Once management catches on and hires someone to be trained in my area, they might get a better perspective on efficiency. They only know one speed, ME =D I will ride this train until it runs out of fuel, then i'm outty.

You still work there?
By October/November, we know if there will be fireworks. 3'rd quarter results will show if we NEED managers/team leaders. They should get rid of third shift if they were smart. They should evaluate each production employee individually, then get rid of the ones that have little to no enthusiasm to stay busy.
Smarten up and take a look at your field mgrs/dir—THEY DONT DO ANYTHING!
We are blowing money by having them go to the gym, babysit kids, golf, go to the anything but work and collect checks.
I always thought there was a universal rule through out all companies that non managerial workers within a department CANNOT become a manager for that same department. They will ultimately act biased/favoritism towards fellow coworkers. This company LOVES f**king around so much.
I always thought there was a universal rule through out all companies that non managerial workers within a department CANNOT become a manager for that same department. They will ultimately act biased/favoritism towards fellow coworkers. This company LOVES f**king around so much.

It's a universal rule only to lazy whiners.
I always thought there was a universal rule through out all companies that non managerial workers within a department CANNOT become a manager for that same department. They will ultimately act biased/favoritism towards fellow coworkers. This company LOVES f**king around so much.

Patience. 3'rd quarter results are probably unimpressive. A few people making BIG bucks got canned. That's just the beginning.
I always thought there was a universal rule through out all companies that non managerial workers within a department CANNOT become a manager for that same department. They will ultimately act biased/favoritism towards fellow coworkers. This company LOVES f**king around so much.

They do what they want until they're caught. Then they act sorry and correct the mistake. I know who you're talking about. 1'st shift to 3'rd shift is not much of a move in "departments". There's no external audits in most areas. There's so many documents that need updating because the document doesn't call out for a process, tool, step, safety measure, etc. But people just do what needs to be done and say "the process owner told me to do it this way". Changing paperwork must cost BILLIONS $$$$$ because they haven't done it in decades :eek: