Manager hires are a joke

We can do without that extra large Harvey Weinstein looking team leader. He's disrespectful and immature. Can someone tell this guy he needs more tattoos to look tough. I was under the impression he's only helping out pmo until we get a REAL team leader.

It's the bad ones that stick around for a very very long time.

He was kicked out the air force because he was eating all the m.r.e.'s

That's why he's still clearly constipated.

I wonder how many toilets he clogged before the constipation started.
Omfg I just noticed my posts on matt rey were deleted LMFAO!!! That miserable f**k face reads this then cries to have it deleted. He won't make it past 60 years old.

YUP. They act with immunity on site. Then come here and show everyone "who's boss". Even if they knew who we were, freedom of speech protects us outside the company. Just copy down what you type, so when it gets deleted, you post it back up again. They bully others, they deserve to be bullied. :eek:
Favoritism. Yup. Agreed.

Cross your fingers on a manager/team leader layoff month. The economy is barely opening up right now. Many people are taking npnp right now. We are so far behind in all departments.
We can do without that extra large Harvey Weinstein looking team leader. He's disrespectful and immature. Can someone tell this guy he needs more tattoos to look tough. I was under the impression he's only helping out pmo until we get a REAL team leader.

Mr. Taint is digging himself into a deep hole by acting like such a pr**k. Most people don't respect him. Bring back the marines. They will get the job done.
We got a real dipsh$t in Upstate NY. Been with the org way too long and barely works or has any real thoughts of his own. Hides a lot and expenses... Been skating by way too long!
So, what I gathered so far is:

Get rid of team leaders, and as many managers as possible, and all of 3'rd shift, and some 2'nd shifts, and give everyone remaining a raise. That's the best possible outcome right now.
Interviewed for RM position last year. I didn’t get the job. I found a better job so it’s not an issue.

I knew I had more practical and functional experience than anyone I interviewed with. This includes years of experience with Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Baxter, Unilever, and Procter & Gamble. Thought the HR team was weak. I was disappointed there was little interest in diversity, change, and upping the talent level.
why did so many of them take the retirement package?

Word went around for the last couple of months about the economy getting worse and a manager/team leader layoff occurring. Then again, some that are leaving are being replaced. Maybe they are fed up with the immaturity? They could make the same pay (if not more) somewhere else.
It's fun working in a corrupt environment I get to walk around and shoot the shit while still hitting my tiny ass run rates and nobody writes me up or fires me HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!