Major Investigation on Dr. G- Bye Bye Doug


Pfizer continues to make national and regional news in regards to the poor hiring choices that it makes in relatively important positions, ie. patent attorney chief, rmrs's etc. As a major shareholder I will bring these issues up @ the next shareholder meeting. Of recent interest is a Pysch hired as a rmrs
by Pfzer from Kansas. The following article speaks for itself;

more to FOLLOW!


Pfizer continues to make national and regional news in regards to the poor hiring choices that it makes in relatively important positions, ie. patent attorney chief, rmrs's etc. As a major shareholder I will bring these issues up @ the next shareholder meeting. Of recent interest is a Pysch hired as a rmrs
by Pfzer from Kansas. The following article speaks for itself;

more to FOLLOW!

address did not work, need a working address

The latest on Dougie is that he is now calling himself a "sport psychiatrist" and is speaking at the APA convention next month about athletes and pharmacology. Last I spoke with him last summer, he called himself a child psych, he must have had some crash course. He needs to be exposed before someone else gets harmed by him.

He is under investigation for working his sideline consulting business while
saying he is doing his Pfizer gig. He was tracked by plane ticket purchases.
Very unethical character. Great stories about him crossdressing on the internet also. The stories about him promoting bestiality should really make
every one's opinion of him go south. He is really a proven pervert. But then
Pfizer seems to protect 'em.

Pfizer continues to make national and regional news in regards to the poor hiring choices that it makes in relatively important positions, ie. patent attorney chief, rmrs's etc. As a major shareholder I will bring these issues up @ the next shareholder meeting. Of recent interest is a Pysch hired as a rmrs
by Pfzer from Kansas. The following article speaks for itself;

more to FOLLOW!

I'm sick about this hire!

Karen Katen

He closed his office last fall, but is supposedly seeing "select" patients privately, apparently at his home. He needs to be dismissed immediately, but who will do it? Someone needs to take initiative. After reading the cjonline article, why would we hire him?

He closed his office last fall, but is supposedly seeing "select" patients privately, apparently at his home. He needs to be dismissed immediately, but who will do it? Someone needs to take initiative. After reading the cjonline article, why would we hire him?

More articles on him and his advocacy of bestiality also...very sick guy.

I have had to deal with Geenens and it is about time he was exposed. Seriously, who will take the lead to fire him? His sexual obsessions are sick,especially for someone who has been counseling people. What will happen if he is giving a talk, and someone stands up and exposes him to the audience? Who in corporate, has the guts?

This guy Geenens is a major sicko bastard, more on the legal websites according to my attorney. Apparently he (Geeneens) is in as much legal
trouble as Hardy and the patent guy. Can you please keep us updated if he
is still w/Pfizer?