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Madrigal Pharmaceuticals

Congrats on the first to market. 47,400 yr for a “hinge” moment. Glp and sglt inhib are approved for T2DM and improve MASH. Got your work cut out. They didn’t pay big salaries for nothing. Good luck guys. Better hope it’s not another PCSK9 blunder.

Congrats on the first to market. 47,400 yr for a “hinge” moment. Glp and sglt inhib are approved for T2DM and improve MASH. Got your work cut out. They didn’t pay big salaries for nothing. Good luck guys. Better hope it’s not another PCSK9 blunder.
As a Patient with Cirrhosis; thank whatever you look up to for his Graces in getting this drug approved. My life will not be impacted, sadly. It's a very ugly death. God Speed to those who will represent this drug. We Need You.