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Lucentis Opportunity/Compensation??????

I heard this division was hiring!?
Yeah, ask the 10% of the CS's that just lost their jobs. The rest of the sales force needs to be aware because the downsizing isn't finished. If upper management wouldn't have had their heads in the sand and would have combated their competitor head on, this wouldn't be happening. Instead the underestimated them and they ate us for dinner. Of course, that is when they all ran for the hills and took different positions. In my opinion, they should all be fired for letting a great franchise die in disgrace!

Yeah, ask the 10% of the CS's that just lost their jobs. The rest of the sales force needs to be aware because the downsizing isn't finished. If upper management wouldn't have had their heads in the sand and would have combated their competitor head on, this wouldn't be happening. Instead the underestimated them and they ate us for dinner. Of course, that is when they all ran for the hills and took different positions. In my opinion, they should all be fired for letting a great franchise die in disgrace!

Can I get an AMEN!

Yeah, ask the 10% of the CS's that just lost their jobs. The rest of the sales force needs to be aware because the downsizing isn't finished. If upper management wouldn't have had their heads in the sand and would have combated their competitor head on, this wouldn't be happening. Instead the underestimated them and they ate us for dinner. Of course, that is when they all ran for the hills and took different positions. In my opinion, they should all be fired for letting a great franchise die in disgrace!
Look, from one of the "10%"...in the last few weeks I've been through every emotion. It is what it is, let it go. I'm taking all my time, and energy and putting it into finding another job in a different franchise. Positivity will do me better than negativity. Deep breaths, positive thoughts and use that to my advantage.

Look, from one of the "10%"...in the last few weeks I've been through every emotion. It is what it is, let it go. I'm taking all my time, and energy and putting it into finding another job in a different franchise. Positivity will do me better than negativity. Deep breaths, positive thoughts and use that to my advantage.
You've definitely got a positive attitude and that's great BUT if you don't learn from your past and make adjustments, the same stupid arrogant mistake will keep happening. So just letting it go and not holding them accountable makes NO sense. If it was one of us, we would have been FIRED!

You got one from me and trust me on this, TH is not to be trusted.....
You are definitely correct on this one. Unfortunately, I've found out the hard way! She is only out to cover her own a** and doesn't care who she steps on in her path! This grand idea of realignment was CS idiotic scheme and then he handed it off to her to make her the fall guy. But, you can't feel sorry for her because she fits in well with the rest of the snakes! Folks watch out for the knife in your back!!!!

You've definitely got a positive attitude and that's great BUT if you don't learn from your past and make adjustments, the same stupid arrogant mistake will keep happening. So just letting it go and not holding them accountable makes NO sense. If it was one of us, we would have been FIRED!

You realize that the reason these people were let go wasn't because of their numbers right? There were plenty of people at the bottom of the ranking list that were kept, some of the people weren't even in territory that long.

As far as mgmt, if they keep jumping franchises how you going to hold them accountable?

You realize that the reason these people were let go wasn't because of their numbers right? There were plenty of people at the bottom of the ranking list that were kept, some of the people weren't even in territory that long.

As far as mgmt, if they keep jumping franchises how you going to hold them accountable?
I think you misunderstood the post. The learning from their mistakes wasn't referring
the CSs but it WAS referring to uppermamagent. I don't think you will find too many people who think what happened to Lucentis was our fault. We had our hands tied behind our backs.

jesus christ you imbeciles make me absolutely sick. Greedy little piggie cry babies.

Blame blame blame blame

Blame yourselves. Some tenured reps couldn't find their accounts (oyster guy, among many others) when sr leadership rode with them. Others just bitch and get good at investing (Sammy).
Just work dipshits. It's not hard.

Blame training. Why not, they're useless anyway. No one pays attention at meetings when we are (ahem) hung over or socializing.

Blame marketing. Their hands are so tied behind their back due to compliance that competing is a farce. Also they just suck.

Blame management. You're reps, manage your managers, stupid.

Blame the totality of the data... Wait.

Blame this stupid Whore RS on the podium. No wait. Blame this other Whore RS on the podium. No wait. Blame...

Your true enemy has revealed itself:

Roche. Lucentis is a cash cow, you're expendable. High margin and semi-retarded field facing franchise. Have fun working for Onyx.

jesus christ you imbeciles make me absolutely sick. Greedy little piggie cry babies.

Blame blame blame blame

Blame yourselves. Some tenured reps couldn't find their accounts (oyster guy, among many others) when sr leadership rode with them. Others just bitch and get good at investing (Sammy).
Just work dipshits. It's not hard.

Blame training. Why not, they're useless anyway. No one pays attention at meetings when we are (ahem) hung over or socializing.

Blame marketing. Their hands are so tied behind their back due to compliance that competing is a farce. Also they just suck.

Blame management. You're reps, manage your managers, stupid.

Blame the totality of the data... Wait.

Blame this stupid Whore RS on the podium. No wait. Blame this other Whore RS on the podium. No wait. Blame...

Your true enemy has revealed itself:

Roche. Lucentis is a cash cow, you're expendable. High margin and semi-retarded field facing franchise. Have fun working for Onyx.

Wow! I think you have some issues....

Is it just me or does it feel like those displaced have been tossed aside. What happened to still being an employee? Having access? I thought RDs and TH said it was their job to help us find jobs here?! I haven't heard from anyone since NSM. Not that there's any openings in my area anyways until Ocre posts....

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