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Lucentis Opportunity/Compensation??????

Bingo! This person gets it. Spot on post.

I'm with another franchise and used to be with Pegasys. It was clear there in the last 8 months that each CS was on their own, had no one to really go to bat for them (as in reach out to hiring managers to put in a reference). I truly believe that our biggest core competencies should be to be our own advocate, market ourselves constantly outside our own franchise and biggest lesson, don't trust anyone above you to be a resource.

I'm with another franchise and used to be with Pegasys. It was clear there in the last 8 months that each CS was on their own, had no one to really go to bat for them (as in reach out to hiring managers to put in a reference). I truly believe that our biggest core competencies should be to be our own advocate, market ourselves constantly outside our own franchise and biggest lesson, don't trust anyone above you to be a resource.

Core competencies are not looked at as much as they talk about them though, same with referrals. Too many times they bring you as a courtesy and that's it, many have been looked over for outside people with experience.

So 2 yr is out, and what do you know!!! You know this whole realignment could have been avoided if they would have just waited another month. SMH!
no kidding. Also the fact that many will be going for the MS openings, there could be a few hired there creating openings. TH the scarecrow made this her legacy. Let's see how it pans out now.....

They all went for the Ocre jobs and only one or two were moved to an IV. Gene has done little to really help the ones displaced from what I can tell. Some have moved on, others have been shut out a few times. This ALL could have been avoided, shame on you Gene!

I would not suggest coming onboard for this division. The drug has lost its edge and there are options that are significantly less expensive now. The fact is, Lucentis is at the end of its sales cycle.

I would not suggest coming onboard for this division. The drug has lost its edge and there are options that are significantly less expensive now. The fact is, Lucentis is at the end of its sales cycle.

Yep Eylea is eating Lucentis lunch not to mention very cheap diluted Avastin is gaining approvals even in EU. No wonder they let bunch of reps go right before NSM last Jan. Lucentis is packaged like clinical kit with 2 needles held together by a rubber band... The Lucentis PFS version is at least year behind schedule with reported to be having supply chain problems.

And drum roll please - Lucentis implant project is reported to be near code blue due to the host of unexpected complications.

Yep Eylea is eating Lucentis lunch not to mention very cheap diluted Avastin is gaining approvals even in EU. No wonder they let bunch of reps go right before NSM last Jan. Lucentis is packaged like clinical kit with 2 needles held together by a rubber band... The Lucentis PFS version is at least year behind schedule with reported to be having supply chain problems.

And drum roll please - Lucentis implant project is reported to be near code blue due to the host of unexpected complications.
Yes they let a handful go and then didn't help them find new jobs here. Almost all of the people displaced were not considered for anything else internal. The Ocre process was a joke!

There is no loyalty at Genentech; quite sad... Senior Management needs to wake up and fix the broken Gstaff HR hiring practices. As long as Sr. mgt. gets to move around and get promotions life is grand.

There is no loyalty at Genentech; quite sad... Senior Management needs to wake up and fix the broken Gstaff HR hiring practices. As long as Sr. mgt. gets to move around and get promotions life is grand.

I would hope more people will let it be known that the process here is flawed via the myriad of surveys we are asked to complete. Oh yeah, I forgot, they really aren't anonymous, forget I said this.

Thanks Gene for screwing those laid off in this so called realignment. Nothing like leaving a ton of $ on the table bc you didn't immediately vest those of us who haven't been here long when you decided to cut us.

The is a reason that GNE didn't bend over backwards to help those realigned reps....in most cases, those were the reps not working as hard as they could have been and were ok just doing the minimum. Why would they want to move you to another franchise if you weren't giving 100%.

The is a reason that GNE didn't bend over backwards to help those realigned reps....in most cases, those were the reps not working as hard as they could have been and were ok just doing the minimum. Why would they want to move you to another franchise if you weren't giving 100%.
Are you kidding me? Many were in the middle of the pack in rankings doing OK given the circumstances, many were hired in the (not needed) expansion, and one was at the bottom and took over a sinking territory and JUST HIRED! When you haven't even been out of training and in territory for a year yet how are you not giving 100%? You're full of it and to say that about the people let go. MOST of them were good hard working reps that had been here from under a year (hardly time to make a serious impact) to 10 years and launched the product.

The is a reason that GNE didn't bend over backwards to help those realigned reps....in most cases, those were the reps not working as hard as they could have been and were ok just doing the minimum. Why would they want to move you to another franchise if you weren't giving 100%.

Wow those are harsh words pal.

Wish the best for those who were RIF'ed as you will look back years from now and see it wasn't that bad after all as Lucentis is dying franchise and better that you move on now to bigger and better things.

Just imagine how UGLY it will be for GNE once Amgen, Novartis and countless companies start shipping Avastin biosimilar in 2018 undercutting the price and not to mention proliferation of off-label usage!

PS - Lucentis PFS team way late as usual with supply chain challenges and Lucentis implant project Seesar is deep shit with variety of patient eye complications...

Wow those are harsh words pal.

Wish the best for those who were RIF'ed as you will look back years from now and see it wasn't that bad after all as Lucentis is dying franchise and better that you move on now to bigger and better things.

Just imagine how UGLY it will be for GNE once Amgen, Novartis and countless companies start shipping Avastin biosimilar in 2018 undercutting the price and not to mention proliferation of off-label usage!

PS - Lucentis PFS team way late as usual with supply chain challenges and Lucentis implant project Seesar is deep shit with variety of patient eye complications...
Lucentis may be a dying franchise but they could have done so much more to help keep those who wanted to stay here with Ocre. I feel like we were given NO help, NO preference, nothing. It's embarrassing, frustrating, and irritating. Severence was ok but many aspects lacking.

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