Lots of postings up for statin/cardiovascular jobs...any details?

i love that they require weeks of training at AZ HQ so we can learn how to dump samples of Crestor all over doctor's offices once Lipitor goes away. That's what the sales geniuses at AZ thinks will help save market share.

Hey buddy,go up to training with that attitude,and you will be taking an early flight home. You WILL recite their detail verbatum and know your information,or like a friend of mine,be sent home packing! AZ is a VERY anal company and you will comply or go home. They could give a shit if they have to hire a replacement for you!

AZ reps despise the company. They are micromanaged to death. Crestor will soon face generic Lipitor in November. It will all be downhill after that. This sales team will be canned quickly. Not a good move to be connected to an AZ contract.

I actually looked at the dm job, but can't find it in me to post. Been in the industry for 20 years, just laid off. I have kicked this dead horse too long. I've got to move on. There is a time to adapt to change and there is a time to realize it's more than just change, it's an industry dying. Adapting in this case means dying along with it. Take a deep breath and jump in the deep end of another pool.

As a former PSS employee, I can tell you that these jobs are only worth it if you are:

a. desperate (unemployment is done).

b. want to break into a dying industry (bad move).

c. are not very good at sales (not a job for the ambitous).

I considered going back because there is nothing else out there, but I have decided not to do it, and take the unemployment until I find a real sales job.

If nothing comes up in 2 years (it should) and unemployement runs out, then I will look into it

This is the truth about these jobs, and conider this before applying.

Better, get out of pharma. It is a terrible way to spend your life, with fake people, doctors that are strange, and micromanagement up the ying yang.

the ONLY hole in your post is that there are NO jobs out there, unless you have a strong contact on the inside.

The economy is just terrible.

with that, ambitous people, that want to work and not just sit home and collect unemployment, should take this because this pay is good and you can still save 1-2k a month on this job.

I was contacted by PSS and they told me the contract was for Lipitor. I do know that training at AZ is a complete nightmare, as I worked for that company long enough to retire. I would not like to be associated with them in any way. Horrible management and corporate culture. All AZ reps want out.

#34 - The recruiter told you Lipitor? Are you 100% sure? Some PSS reps on the Pfizer contract were laid off in June. Moving forward we've been told that P4 will be transitioning to the EPBU Q4 and be promoting Lipitor. I can't see why they would have a layoff and then double the sales force a few months later.