Lots of postings up for statin/cardiovascular jobs...any details?

Unfortunately I think if you haven't heard, the door has closed. I would encourage anyone wondering to call the recruiter. I did, and got the bad news-not hired, no feedback given by hiring manager. In NY.

I got offer but did not hear anything about backround check. I am guessing they have not done one yet??? My ref's have not been called either. Did get email to go do drug test.

Does anybody know how many vacation days/sick days? Forgot to ask in interview.

That's not the kind of thing you would want to ask in an interview... However, the hiring DM actually brought that information up in my interview, just going through all the nitty gritty of the this position... It's basically 2 weeks and 3-4 personal days (she wasn't sure which). Didn't bring up sick days, but I assume 5?

I think it's the same with all the contract companies... You'll never get more than 2 weeks and a few personal days. Gotta make the flexibility work for ya.

my recruiter sent us an email and said that the managers had to send out offers by midnight yesterday. If we did not receive a call we were not selected. If a candidate does not accept or background check does not pan out, then they will go down their list.

I could have sworn the DM said 2 and one half DAYS vacation. It is a short contract.

I received my offer tonight after six from my new D.M. He said that he still has offers to extend on Monday. Also, the vacation days are 2.5 for REMAINDER of this year. Otherwise, it is normally 2 weeks. Don't give up hope, your call may come still.