List the worst managers ever.

Not making excuses for ADG because she is horrible but good sales reps don't need someone else to motivate them.
Good point however when you are as bad as ADG there is no rep or manager willing to go the extra distance for the Biatcha, she talks too much about her people and only would promote and or go the distance if you were in her club. Will make a terrible VP, but this is who Lilly’s is lookin for now, and God Bless if she gets to that level. DR has gone off the deep end if this happens.

Guido has basically been given a pass by people, despite having left his children and his moving halfway across the country. He only had to wait a few years and they would have been finished with high school.

I can understand fooling around, and I can understand divorce. I will never understand a parent who moves away from minor children.

I have no respect for this man.

Yes, he made a tough decision. All of are thrilled that your life is perfect