List the worst managers ever.

Why does Lilly continually hire these types as DMs?
He came from good Hearty Stock. Was a top rep and now an excellent manager. Thank god for the manager who brought him into this diverse company. That manager who ever it was (he or she) had great foresight. Thanks for hiring My current manager KM he is a super star.

He came from good Hearty Stock. Was a top rep and now an excellent manager. Thank god for the manager who brought him into this diverse company. That manager who ever it was (he or she) had great foresight. Thanks for hiring My current manager KM he is a super star.
Really... “Hearty Stock”, whatever that means! Two years of sales “success” means nothing, especially if your products were on formulary. Who cares what manager hired him! KM being a white, male, millennial is NOT diverse by any means.

I’m sure this person was hired because they are diverse. Diversity is more than just color, race, religion. It’s also diverse thinking. Being inclusive to diverse thinking is what Lilly hires and retains nowadays from someone who has worked at Lilly 13+years. Been in the field and currently internal. Go read a book on true diversity is in the workplace.
Unfortunately you sound and come across as a someone uninformed. A good guess is someone who doesn’t want to do what the job requires and is probably sitting in the bottom of the area and your respective team. Move on or quit. You’re dragging our stock price and my options down. Thanks

I’m sure this person was hired because they are diverse. Diversity is more than just color, race, religion. It’s also diverse thinking. Being inclusive to diverse thinking is what Lilly hires and retains nowadays from someone who has worked at Lilly 13+years. Been in the field and currently internal. Go read a book on true diversity is in the workplace.
Unfortunately you sound and come across as a someone uninformed. A good guess is someone who doesn’t want to do what the job requires and is probably sitting in the bottom of the area and your respective team. Move on or quit. You’re dragging our stock price and my options down. Thanks
Clearly, you don’t know KM! What Lilly says about diversity and what they practice are two different things.

He came from good Hearty Stock. Was a top rep and now an excellent manager. Thank god for the manager who brought him into this diverse company. That manager who ever it was (he or she) had great foresight. Thanks for hiring My current manager KM he is a super star.
He is really a super star glad he works w lillys. Who ever found him in Nebraska should get a raise if still w Lilly. We are so fortunate to have a manager in tune with others feelings. We are lucky and thanks KS manager for finding us a super manager that is very charming.

He is really a super star glad he works w lillys. Who ever found him in Nebraska should get a raise if still w Lilly. We are so fortunate to have a manager in tune with others feelings. We are lucky and thanks KS manager for finding us a super manager that is very charming.
You clearly don’t know KM! I didn’t know “charming” was an attribute that makes a DM successful!

You clearly don’t know KM! I didn’t know “charming” was an attribute that makes a DM successful!
By saying KM is charming he is able to get his reps behind him and work extremely hard to accomplish the unbelievable. His reps We love him because of his old fashion charm. He is awesome and we do dig him. All but one of us and she is not charming but a complainer.

By saying KM is charming he is able to get his reps behind him and work extremely hard to accomplish the unbelievable. His reps We love him because of his old fashion charm. He is awesome and we do dig him. All but one of us and she is not charming but a complainer.
Clearly, there are people on the team that are liars! Also, males on the team not telling the truth!

Clearly, there are people on the team that are liars! Also, males on the team not telling the truth!
You are the lone complainer that has issue after issue at every meeting. Just make like a Tree and Leaf. You aren’t happy and could have Hillary as your manager and you would feel more comfortable however you would also hate her as you don’t have the discipline to be a success. You are a pain in our districts butt. Change your attitude and you will be a happier person or leave.

You are the lone complainer that has issue after issue at every meeting. Just make like a Tree and Leaf. You aren’t happy and could have Hillary as your manager and you would feel more comfortable however you would also hate her as you don’t have the discipline to be a success. You are a pain in our districts butt. Change your attitude and you will be a happier person or leave.

Don’t you mean leaf ? What a brown nosing dunce. You’ll be let go in a year or less. Can we count on your same “can-do” attitude then?

Don’t you mean leaf ? What a brown nosing dunce. You’ll be let go in a year or less. Can we count on your same “can-do” attitude then?
I’m not the negative biaticha that complain s about everything and everyone in our district I do like a drink at meetings but it doesn’t effect me like you. Yes just leaf you will feel better honey once gone.

Really... “Hearty Stock”, whatever that means! Two years of sales “success” means nothing, especially if your products were on formulary. Who cares what manager hired him! KM being a white, male, millennial is NOT diverse by any means.
what the hell is wrong with you.
Diversity Diversity Divuniversity this is why we have the issues and problems today. You are a Diverse nightmare. didn’t mean to offend you...Sorry