List the worst managers ever.

Anyone remember Paulette Pauley? The mention of her name and the recollection of her shrill voicemail announcement (I know, I'm old school!) STILL gives me anxiety to this day!

We are the industry leader in LGBTQ, minority, and female talent. We are so progressive. I love seeing posts by fellow employees on how progressive we are. Our leaders are authentic. They are hand picked and special gifts to us all. We have a long rich history of putting the patient first. We are all the best at what we do.

Anyone remember Paulette Pauley? The mention of her name and the recollection of her shrill voicemail announcement (I know, I'm old school!) STILL gives me anxiety to this day!

God she was bad. A true dinosaur from the constidine era. That entire management team was by far the worst we’ve had in my 20 years here. I heard Constidine is still unemployed. Talk about a style of mgt that doesn’t work and is no longer appreciated. Can we get 1 more call per day?

We are the industry leader in LGBTQ, minority, and female talent. We are so progressive. I love seeing posts by fellow employees on how progressive we are. Our leaders are authentic. They are hand picked and special gifts to us all. We have a long rich history of putting the patient first. We are all the best at what we do.

I can not tell if this is facetious or not. If it is funny. If not, a bit deranged.

I do not remember her name, but there used to be a female manager in the San Diego area who was completely insane. I worked in another division, but I had the unfortunate experience of having her call me about an issue that I do not remember. She went on a rant that was so nuts that I put the phone down, walked around my house and did errands for five minutes or so. When I picked the phone up she was still spewing her craziness without ever missing a beat.

Totally batshit.

We are the industry leader in LGBTQ, minority, and female talent. We are so progressive. I love seeing posts by fellow employees on how progressive we are. Our leaders are authentic. They are hand picked and special gifts to us all. We have a long rich history of putting the patient first. We are all the best at what we do.

Lol! Sarcasm at its best. Your cafephra game is strong my friend!

I do not remember her name, but there used to be a female manager in the San Diego area who was completely insane. I worked in another division, but I had the unfortunate experience of having her call me about an issue that I do not remember. She went on a rant that was so nuts that I put the phone down, walked around my house and did errands for five minutes or so. When I picked the phone up she was still spewing her craziness without ever missing a beat.

Totally batshit.
Yep totally sad and ADG will be back in the USA again BAT ting 1000 soon enough. God bless us all AGAIN.

I do not remember her name, but there used to be a female manager in the San Diego area who was completely insane. I worked in another division, but I had the unfortunate experience of having her call me about an issue that I do not remember. She went on a rant that was so nuts that I put the phone down, walked around my house and did errands for five minutes or so. When I picked the phone up she was still spewing her craziness without ever missing a beat.

Totally batshit.

I never worked for Lance Hamlin.

I was in a meeting in Indy one time, and he was in the cafeteria at LTC, sitting by himself at lunch. There to work on some project.

No kidding, the guy looked like he had walked in off the street as a homeless person and someone bought him lunch. 3 day beard, corduroy pants, checked shirt, untucked, converse sneakers. Embarrassing. There are a lot of horrible managers at Lilly. Not just horrible managers. Horrible, hideous human beings. Too numerous to mention. A few good ones, but they were rare. Usually just good people with an eye for other good people. The ones mentioned on this thread are on trips. Marianne in OK or wherever is a true weirdo. Jennifer LIttle also another piece of work who was often supported by her RM. Nut case. Truly zany and bizarre.

If some of these people weren't in pharma they might be in jail.

Ugh, these comments perpetuate the wrong behaviors amongst employees in regards to not reporting concerns. When an employee reports issues, they need to have evidence of potential violations or poor performance. Often that requires specific examples, dates/times, emails, other observers, etc; which means sometimes HR has to break confidentiality. How can HR take action on fluff without substance? "HR seems to ALWAYS protect the company"...until we are replaced by robots, employees make up this company.

If M took action against employees who reported concerns in good faith, then those need to be equally reported and investigated. Lilly does not tolerate retaliation. Otherwise, if you don't have real evidence, then you shouldn't run someone's name through the muck. Oh wait, I forgot I was on Cafe Pharma for a moment...this is the place to throw out unsubstantiated allegations...

I get what you are saying. However the facts do not support your statement. HR must exist to protect the company. The non retaliation thing is bait for people to come forward and little more than a PR stunt. Also the idea of not being able to defend yourself is bunk. If someone accuses someone of something the accused should have a chance to defend themselves at minimum. What if the accuser is lying, what happens to them. With out the ability to retort the accused is at the mercy of hr and heir decision. If they want they will escalate and if not they will sweep it under the rug. Plain and simple. I personally have lodged an issue with HR and nothing happened to the perpetrator. I had documented evidence and support from many people but because the person accused is a crony of the management team nothing happened. I mean nothing at all. No calls from hr at all to follow up. Now I am under constant scrutiny from my superiors after years of great work and leadership. To the poster, HR is a joke but a necessary trick. I would like to see you in this situation and see how you react. Your post would be different. I guarantee. Feel free to retaliate.

Because he expects you to work a full day for your check? Maybe sell something once in a while? Talk to some docs vs sit in traffic or waste time with some MTMs. MN reps are jokes. Cushiest jobs in the company.
Thanks McClure! You don’t even live in the territory you “manage”! How much time do you spend flying here and there for field rides! The time reps spend in the car in traffic is not their fault but you can move to MN and spend less of Lilly’s money on flights and car rentals! You do have a choice! I don’t know any other DM that gets away with this!