Let's Rate Our Sales Directors

on 4/21 LabCorp announced cutting 169 jobs from GG Unit. They are intergrating GG reimbursement and IT units at the Westborough facility into its own operation. Here we go, good start LCA.

I am so fired up after the great speech and fairytale I heard yesterday! I cannot wait to go out and sell my Diamonds.

I have never heard such a canned speech from everyone on the phone. How long did it take to write it? Two, Three weeks? I wish it would have been a webinar so we could have seen pretty pictures and graphs.

I am so fired up after the great speech and fairytale I heard yesterday! I cannot wait to go out and sell my Diamonds.

I have never heard such a canned speech from everyone on the phone. How long did it take to write it? Two, Three weeks? I wish it would have been a webinar so we could have seen pretty pictures and graphs.

This was a plagiarized speech. The story about diamonds comes from a motivational record from the 50's by the Late Great Earl Nightingale. He did a record called "The World Strangest Secret" . http://www.nightingale.com/prod_detail~product~Strangest_Secret.aspx

In it he tells a story called "Acres of Diamonds"

MM- why are the reps/managers that were retained during the RIF leaving so quickly? Did you pick the wrong people to keep, were you given bad intel on who should stay and who should go? Did you just shoot from the hip on this one? What a slap in the face that you even propose counteroffers and are rebuffed. This one is going to be fun to watch as you guys slide down the tubes.

MM- why are the reps/managers that were retained during the RIF leaving so quickly? Did you pick the wrong people to keep, were you given bad intel on who should stay and who should go? Did you just shoot from the hip on this one? What a slap in the face that you even propose counteroffers and are rebuffed. This one is going to be fun to watch as you guys slide down the tubes.

Them's are fightin' words, son

When will DK realize that VB is ruining the new Southeast Division? It is almost as if he is working for the competitor, trying to kill all the business that LCA has in the pipeline! Wake up DK, even though VB might be one of "the boys", he is gonna hurt the business and for sure will blame it on someone else! Please stop him before he destroys all that loyal employees have worked for years to accomplish!