Let's Rate Our Sales Directors

What is so funny is all these post talk about how crappy USL is. How they never hit budget and they don't know what they are doing.

The funny thing is that USL was light years ahead of GG oncology. The oncology division has taken three steps back in the market in the last 2 months.

The truth is LCA bought GG for one reason and one reason only, REPRODUCTIVE. The repro side has carried the oncology divisions ass for the last several years.

Keep talking all your sh** about USL and lca. The joke is on you not lca, not USL.

Have they hit their budget over the years?
Have they lost more busines than they brought on over the years?
I think they are bashing usl not lca.

1 rep, 1 BDE, 1 director.

that's just the start, and reps (although we seem to think we are the center of the universe) are not. What about are IT and Finance Dept that got the ax. How sad.

This was a buyout, plain and simple. And more will be laid off before Nov 30th.

I can only hope that I'm next. The culture sucks regardless who's "in charge". The recruiters keep calling daily, the next good opportunity and I am gone. Sorry MM, my loyalty is running out when we were sold to "worse case scenario".

Culture sucks is right. Need to clean house at USL so they can stop crying and carrying on like children at sales meetings. GG and labcorp will be just fine together without anyone else. Out with the old, in with the new.

Sales management stinks in Georgia. The Sales Officer especially! Not sure what is going on but it stinks and not a bit of good has come out of this team of crap! It is basically crap and nothing will change until it is extinguished.

Truth is your analogy of the Atlanta Georgia Sales management is right on. Seems as if it will never get better until the big Mama is released from her post. It is nothing short of a cluster F---!

The 2 usl managers left must be looking for work elsewhere, hell so are the bde's and most of the reps. usl is over, nothing new, same old rundown trash. how did any of their team keep their jobs?

The 2 usl managers left must be looking for work elsewhere, hell so are the bde's and most of the reps. usl is over, nothing new, same old rundown trash. how did any of their team keep their jobs?

The funny thing is they are looking for new jobs but no one wants to hire them due to their incompetence. It is amazing how their friends and co-workers have landed at other companies but none of them have reached out to recruit them over.
Wonder why? Maybe they know they are worthless and don’t want to tarnish their own reputation by bring these people on board. The only people left are the ones no other lab wants since they know their history.

not true about everyone, very true about JK. Why does he tell me he hates RP then goes and has dinner with him? At the end of the day......

JK had a great team last year that worked together and produced. Numbers don't lie. LCA doesn't measure how many accounts sales reps visit only the revenue growth.

All the GG reps better run for hills while they can. Since you guys are awesome you be able to find a job anywhere.

JK hating RP. Funny

If measuring revenue growth is what LCA looks at, then why did they demote him if he had the numbers as well as great team that produced?

As far as producing 1 rep carried him and made him look good.

not sure about the RP part

The fastest way to get info around the company is no longer group email, just tell Krauss. He will then call RP, then your boss, then your co-workers, it works faster if you tell him its confidential. As for the people rif'ed, he will call too, apologizing and saying it was not his call,
"I love you man, but.......

are JK and RP no longer directors?
if not what are their new titles and was it a demotion? If demoted what happened to their buddies they promoted are they still with the company?

can't see it happening with all of their combined lab expierence

The fastest way to get info around the company is no longer group email, just tell Krauss. He will then call RP, then your boss, then your co-workers, it works faster if you tell him its confidential. As for the people rif'ed, he will call too, apologizing and saying it was not his call,
"I love you man, but.......

Whoever is saying this obviously doesn't know BTK. He is one of the few people you can trust in this hell hole. Just ask anyone who has worked directly with him, they will confirm it.