Let's be honest!

Here is what I cannot understand...why can't you just move on? If you are not currently employed by Parnell then please just move on. Those who are still working for Parnell still believe that things can be great. We are all working hard toward a common goal of success and regardless whether you think that is possible or not, doesn't matter. And you writing your opinion on this forum mean more about you in the coward sense than it does for the people who are still working hard to make things happen.
No one cares what you think about current management or processes...because you no longer work for Parnell and cannot do anything to help us succeed. So please do yourself and us a favor and move the hell on.

The same reason everyone slows down to gawk at a crash.

The same reason everyone slows down to gawk at a crash.

You do realize that everyone in the industry is talking about your company and what is posted on this board. It is the funniest one out there and most are just in disbelief that this is actually happening. You just can't make up this stuff. Please, keep the posts coming.

Here is what I cannot understand...why can't you just move on? If you are not currently employed by Parnell then please just move on. Those who are still working for Parnell still believe that things can be great. We are all working hard toward a common goal of success and regardless whether you think that is possible or not, doesn't matter. And you writing your opinion on this forum mean more about you in the coward sense than it does for the people who are still working hard to make things happen.
No one cares what you think about current management or processes...because you no longer work for Parnell and cannot do anything to help us succeed. So please do yourself and us a favor and move the hell on.

To the person who made the above comment, I hope you enjoy sitting at the dog park on your weekends collecting email addresses. I hope you enjoy telling pet owners that you are hospital staff when you are not just to get their email address. I hope you enjoy being held in the office until 9pm because you didn't hit your goals. I hope you enjoy stabbing your customers in the back.
You're right... Parnell will be great someday

Here is what I cannot understand...why can't you just move on? If you are not currently employed by Parnell then please just move on. Those who are still working for Parnell still believe that things can be great. We are all working hard toward a common goal of success and regardless whether you think that is possible or not, doesn't matter. And you writing your opinion on this forum mean more about you in the coward sense than it does for the people who are still working hard to make things happen.
No one cares what you think about current management or processes...because you no longer work for Parnell and cannot do anything to help us succeed. So please do yourself and us a favor and move the hell on.

If those left at Parnell are still working toward a common goal of success, and no one cares what people who don't work for Parnell say, then WHY the ever-loving fuck are you posting on Cafe Pharma? Like, for real, just go forth and prosper and ignore everyone else! But, clearly, I called your bluff; you're petrified and rightfully so. Meanwhile most of us who are gone know at least 4 of the 6 of you left are trying desperately to get out. So your statement that you still believe things can be great is either naive ramblings of one of the two delusional people of the six left, or complete lies in case RJ is reading this before you find another job because there are so few of you now that you're scared of him finding out who you are and canning you like he did the majority of the company. Seriously, if you believe the lie of this company being successful and you being immune, you need to get out before you find yourself face down in the dirt.

If those left at Parnell are still working toward a common goal of success, and no one cares what people who don't work for Parnell say, then WHY the ever-loving fuck are you posting on Cafe Pharma? Like, for real, just go forth and prosper and ignore everyone else! But, clearly, I called your bluff; you're petrified and rightfully so. Meanwhile most of us who are gone know at least 4 of the 6 of you left are trying desperately to get out. So your statement that you still believe things can be great is either naive ramblings of one of the two delusional people of the six left, or complete lies in case RJ is reading this before you find another job because there are so few of you now that you're scared of him finding out who you are and canning you like he did the majority of the company. Seriously, if you believe the lie of this company being successful and you being immune, you need to get out before you find yourself face down in the dirt.
RJ is the one that needs to let go instead of acting like a petulant 2 year old who had his sandbox wrecked. Those that left either on their own or by his hand are finally free and should be left to carry on with life, not harassed to protect his ego.

Is there an class action lawsuit against Parnell by former employees other that the marketing peeps?

Some of us wanted to. But RJ set it up so people going to "competitors" couldn't sue. And since the vast majority of people who left whether they were competing or not were somehow considered going to competitors, very few were willing to participate when he "let them out" of the noncompetes.

Karma's a bitch, ain't it, RJ? Lost your shirt now! (Though I'm sorry to everyone else in his wake who did too.)