Let's be honest!

Forgot to say, "Thank you RJ" for another month of pay while I continue to look for a job and watch TV on my couch. Best paying job for the 1 hour I update zoho each day and the weekly lunches I take friends out to. You are the best.
Keep it up and he may decide to start paying you in equity, so he can "skim" some more off the top by charging a "premium" value to the equity. Surely everyone realized that bonus payments were severely discounted, essentially cheating everyone. Now we have to bust butt just to earn back what we already were owed. Legal theft.

Keep it up and he may decide to start paying you in equity, so he can "skim" some more off the top by charging a "premium" value to the equity. Surely everyone realized that bonus payments were severely discounted, essentially cheating everyone. Now we have to bust butt just to earn back what we already were owed. Legal theft.

MW you're the biggest douchebag second to your butt buddy Bobby R! You're such a gullible moron! Don't you know Bobby wanted your dumb ass gone prior to the firing spree that Little Napoleon went on in November. MW you made it by the skin of your teeth and you're throwing prior Parnell employees under the bus to validate your worthless pathetic career. Good luck trying to find a job when Little Napoleon is done with you and shits you out like the piece of turd that you are. Your name is worthless in the industry no matter how much cheerleading you do!

Little Napoleon you're a fucking joke! You wouldn't know how a successful company was run if it took a piss on you and dropped a load in your mouth. What asshole voluntarily goes into the pinks after working to get into US market? Little Napoleon that's who! Or maybe it was by design so you can sling your bullshit why your shitty company is doing so well despite losing $50 MM in a span of 5 years. Be careful who you talk about Little Napoleon!

Yes, I remember the date that the CEO of a public company stabbed multiple employees and sexually harassed a female employee. What a loser I must be.

How can you forget when you wake up to the below email from your CEO, I had never gotten an email from any other CEO. This was when I realized what a joke of a company this was. Enjoy walking down memory lane....



From: Robert Joseph
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 12:27 AM
To: Staff
Subject: Last night

Last night I did something which I, and many many people believe was extremely inappropriate and insensitive. The joke I told at the Gala Dinner was simply inappropriate and by using the names of our team members, I have caused an enormous amount of offence to all people who had to endure me telling it. I think the worst part is that as CEO my single job is to create and uphold standards and my actions last night are a total abrogation of our values, values that I truly believe in, both personally and professionally. I have let you all down and I am truly sorry and I want to make an unreserved apology to you. I want to apologize for the offense I have caused and I want to apologize for letting you down as a leader.

They say that to err is human, and forgive is divine, I can only hope that you will find it within yourselves to forgive me. I also believe that I need to show tangible and material change and to take steps to ensure that nobody in this company thinks it is ok to offend their colleagues. I will be thinking hard over the coming days as to the actions I need to take to uphold our values and to represent you all as your CEO. I have been taught a valuable and acute lesson today, that careless actions can have a wide ranging and significant impact and I mostly certainly mark today as a low point in my career.

I would like you to read this email as an unequivocal statement that I must all uphold our values.



Keep it up and he may decide to start paying you in equity, so he can "skim" some more off the top by charging a "premium" value to the equity. Surely everyone realized that bonus payments were severely discounted, essentially cheating everyone. Now we have to bust butt just to earn back what we already were owed. Legal theft.
And not handing out w-2's until way after acceptable (and legal) date so that you got screwed on taxes on money you will never see. And if you chose to sell the stock right away... You're Fired!!!

And not handing out w-2's until way after acceptable (and legal) date so that you got screwed on taxes on money you will never see. And if you chose to sell the stock right away... You're Fired!!!

And now we are on an extended black out period so we can't sell the shitty stock if we wanted to do so now. Best part is MW won't return calls to explain what the hell is going on and probably has nothing to offer anyway. He would just say, "Welllllllllll, these things happen. It's going to be "Epic", rightttttt". Leadership at it's finest.

Oh by the way mini Crocodile Dundee, I will go do some actual work when you can explain what is really behind the curtains.

Wellllll! Duuude! Brahhhhh! Righttttt! C'monnn! Epic! Final, final!
The extent of MW's vocabulary! Unless "little napoleon" spoon feeds him bullshit pablum to regurgitate to the reps. Which I'm sure they're hearing during daily updates with MW.

What is with the school bullying and name calling? It would be good to see people write productive comments on this site; instead of hiding behind these anonymous threads and writing bullying comments. You're so quick to use initials of people you don't like and take low blows; why not stand up and put your own initials against your immature comments, so people can defend themselves to you? MW is doing a great job of managing us - why don't you just move on with your life and let him and everyone get on with theirs. Or make it a fair playing field and put your initials down, so they can attack you back and see how you like it. I think enough time has passed for you to move on!!

What is with the school bullying and name calling? It would be good to see people write productive comments on this site; instead of hiding behind these anonymous threads and writing bullying comments. You're so quick to use initials of people you don't like and take low blows; why not stand up and put your own initials against your immature comments, so people can defend themselves to you? MW is doing a great job of managing us - why don't you just move on with your life and let him and everyone get on with theirs. Or make it a fair playing field and put your initials down, so they can attack you back and see how you like it. I think enough time has passed for you to move on!!

I don't think anyone has ever said that they don't currently work for the company. I think most people are simply expressing frustration at the situation. There is some truth to the fact that current management was not their first choice, the previous managers were also not their first choice but were chosen over what we have today. Also, we seem to be losing more and more people including our CFO and another dairy sales person. So you think MW is doing great, that is awesome, but many more do not feel that way. Before you say it, "Just leave", trying as many others are all trying.

I don't think anyone has ever said that they don't currently work for the company. I think most people are simply expressing frustration at the situation. There is some truth to the fact that current management was not their first choice, the previous managers were also not their first choice but were chosen over what we have today. Also, we seem to be losing more and more people including our CFO and another dairy sales person. So you think MW is doing great, that is awesome, but many more do not feel that way. Before you say it, "Just leave", trying as many others are all trying.

What is with the school bullying and name calling? It would be good to see people write productive comments on this site; instead of hiding behind these anonymous threads and writing bullying comments. You're so quick to use initials of people you don't like and take low blows; why not stand up and put your own initials against your immature comments, so people can defend themselves to you? MW is doing a great job of managing us - why don't you just move on with your life and let him and everyone get on with theirs. Or make it a fair playing field and put your initials down, so they can attack you back and see how you like it. I think enough time has passed for you to move on!!

You forgot to include your initials.

Witty comeback! MW deserves all the criticism he is getting! He was a douche for throwing former coworkers under the bus to make himself look good.
And only two sales executives left are the only ones naive, stupid, & ignorant enough to think that MW is competent to run a sales team. Right A.S. & C.O.
Keep thinking if you just work & keep your head down everything is going to be OK, that's what RJ wants you to think! How many times can you believe RJs bullshit with every executive termination? Go back to all the email executive terminations & compare them! Notice the common thread? That little shit never has never any accountability! Amazing!

Witty comeback! MW deserves all the criticism he is getting! He was a douche for throwing former coworkers under the bus to make himself look good.
And only two sales executives left are the only ones naive, stupid, & ignorant enough to think that MW is competent to run a sales team. Right A.S. & C.O.
Keep thinking if you just work & keep your head down everything is going to be OK, that's what RJ wants you to think! How many times can you believe RJs bullshit with every executive termination? Go back to all the email executive terminations & compare them! Notice the common thread? That little shit never has never any accountability! Amazing!

make that 3! I like him and my initials are

Witty comeback! MW deserves all the criticism he is getting! He was a douche for throwing former coworkers under the bus to make himself look good.
And only two sales executives left are the only ones naive, stupid, & ignorant enough to think that MW is competent to run a sales team. Right A.S. & C.O.
Keep thinking if you just work & keep your head down everything is going to be OK, that's what RJ wants you to think! How many times can you believe RJs bullshit with every executive termination? Go back to all the email executive terminations & compare them! Notice the common thread? That little shit never has never any accountability! Amazing!

Thanks for your input GC. I am glad you can write better than you speak.

Here is what I cannot understand...why can't you just move on? If you are not currently employed by Parnell then please just move on. Those who are still working for Parnell still believe that things can be great. We are all working hard toward a common goal of success and regardless whether you think that is possible or not, doesn't matter. And you writing your opinion on this forum mean more about you in the coward sense than it does for the people who are still working hard to make things happen.
No one cares what you think about current management or processes...because you no longer work for Parnell and cannot do anything to help us succeed. So please do yourself and us a favor and move the hell on.