Lawsuits are for losers. Move on with your life!! If you have one haha!
I believe that Dana and lee have moved on with their lives all the way to the bank! You are an IDIOT!!!!! haha I work for PL
Lawsuits are for losers. Move on with your life!! If you have one haha!
Haha, I hope that they got a good settlement. They'll never work for another company pharma or any other one for that matter. Word gets around! No company likes an employee that trys to sue for personal gain.
Be careful with the name calling. You'll need to real nice on your next job interview. Unless you have enough money to last you the rest of your days. Easy come...easy go. A settlement is generally 20% or less then the original figure. So if you sue for 1M you'll end up with less than 200k. Then take out the attorney's fees and your down to 125K. That is if they decide to settle. You think about that...
3.5 million minus 2 million for attorney's fees and another 1 million for the IRS what does that leave? Not a comfortable retirement. Think carefuly before you answer. You cant get something for nothing. Remember the golden rule "He who has the GOLD...makes the rules". LOL!
Gosh where to begin? Unless you have knowledge of either of these suits and how damages were structured out and what the attorneys took I suggest you keep you pie whole shut!!!!!!
I think that you mean pie "hole" not "whole". It's obvious that I have struck a nerve here.
I heard that Lee Ingles is suing the company for descrimination. Is this true? It's hard to believe that the Director of Human Resources is suing for descrimination.
i'm surprised Dianne Sheppard has put up with all The KKKamps BS over the years. But, She is one of them after all.
Spill the Beans! How much did the KKKamps settle for. It's gonna be very hard to do business with the Government with at least 3 discrimination suits against the KKKlan.
Yea, I think she got a free ride! All these years, she knew what was going on. It wasn't untill Barry got canned-that's when she felt threatened-can't believe the camps didn't try to get rid of her sooner. She was just a fly on the wall for barry. Stupid of the camps not to see this comming. Really,Really dumb. Lee just kicked back, waiting for the right opportunity.
Lee just rode in on the coat tails of others that were suffering. What a CHICKEN!. Now I bet that she and barry split the pot of gold and laughing all the way to the BANK-BANK(ha,ha,ha!)
You people are idiots!!! Once again a KKKamp lover defending them! YOU have no idea what you are talking about as usual!!! She did not ride anyone's coat tails. How much do you think Lee tried to change?? Barry too.. A lot I tell you, Lee was always and I mean always stopped by Old Man and his red headed IDIOT son..... She is far from chicken let's see you take them on.
They hated her she was always trying to stop them,. Let us not forget old man threw Bary under the bus too boys and girls. Although old man told us all that Barry was trying to screw us with the sale, not even close to the truth..... Barry had us all making out like Flynn and old man did not want us to get anything!!!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Although Barry made out because he did have a contract he was not and I repeat not the bad guy......