Lee Ingles suing the company???

too funny!! Plus Nugget posted first thing Sunday morning on Mothers Day. I knew he was scraped off of the sheets and raised in a lab. Keep up the crappy work Nugget

Cant understand your jibberish! You fired from Pamlab for forging signatures. Hope you enjoyed the Jerry Springer show instead of working.

For additional information on possibly joining this suit, contact the attorneys that filed for Dana & Lee. Their names and phone number are posted at the end of the suit. If they can't help you, I'm sure they could direct you to someone who could!

Let's keep our fingers crossed and wish Lee & Dana GOOD LUCK for the mediation in Texas on Monday, 5/24. Wonder if Mr. C, Stephen, Keith, Kenny, Eric, etc will be there also? Would love to be a fly on the wall.

Hope she gets what others got from ladner and lilly for their settlement:
Eli Lilly and Company recently settled a sexual harassment lawsuit for $469,000 following deposition of key witnesses in a LA court. The former Lilly employee was terminated in 2004 for misconduct and now works as a business unit Vice-President with Pamlab, L.L.C.

I hope Dana and Lee get some of the money Eric plans to use on buying a generic company. There's a new idea...let's generic our own products and how much will the reps get commission on those sales??? Maybe daddy C can make another company for the red headed loser of a son to try and figure out how to do anything besides sit in his little hole and put labels on his generics now...

Yes, they settled! The ladies are offically retired. Hope it was worth it KKKamp. Dana and Lee just stayed the course and remainded focused. And it all worked out! The Million Dollar Babies!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

more proof that god hates the KKKamps: Fires, Hurricanes, oil disasters and now law suit settlements proving they are racist sexist pigs!

I really don't think this way but its easier for the red neck hicks to understand.

BRAVO! Lee & Dana. enjoy!

more proof that god hates the KKKamps: Fires, Hurricanes, oil disasters and now law suit settlements proving they are racist sexist pigs!

I really don't think this way but its easier for the red neck hicks to understand.

BRAVO! Lee & Dana. enjoy!

I guess that shitty money you losers make...is about to get even shittier! I don't know how your benefits and respect could get any worse, but I be ole pal will find a way. Maybe have you turds stay 4-5 in a room at the Motel 6 for your next meeting!! bwhahahahahhahahaha!!! pal pal pal, we work for pal!!!

I guess that shitty money you losers make...is about to get even shittier! I don't know how your benefits and respect could get any worse, but I be ole pal will find a way. Maybe have you turds stay 4-5 in a room at the Motel 6 for your next meeting!! bwhahahahahhahahaha!!! pal pal pal, we work for pal!!!

Copy and paste....blah blah blah....living a life of shattered dreams....still a huge NUGGET...copy and paste.....same worthless shit