Lee Ingles suing the company???

the lawyer needs to know that the KKKlan tapes most training sessions and i'm sure they could find all they need there. The sly comments made by management.

NOW is the time for other reps to step up! Express all your views!

Wow! This is a mess! To make this lawsuit even better Dana and Lee should have included some of the past and present African American employees of Pamlab.

Lee lost her shade tree (Barry) and now she's hot! I like to see them turn on each other. Whatever's done in the dark or in this case the National Meeting will come to light.

Dana was treated like shit and was a top producer. Granted she can come off like a bitch and "know it all" but her numbers spoke for themselves. I loved reading what Dana had to say in the court papers. I believe every word because I have heard all the management repeats numerous statements that dana expressed!

GOD! I hope they look into the insurance fraud abuse on behalf of Tracy Johnson!

Dana, I hope your lawyer bends them over and treats that company like the bitches they are!
I am happy to see that something is finally being done with these raciest a-holes. Knowing that Lee is suing the KKKlan makes it all the better cause she was ONE of them at one point and saw the light of day!

Lee, you were the only voice of reason and I hope the best for Dana & Yourself.

The good ol' boys club is finally getting theirs! For the rest of the reps, expect lower bonuses and raise payouts. plus, I don't know how you all still believe that what you sell is not snake oil!

WOW! Great post I have benn here for a long time as well.
I agree except in my opinion Dana was not a b&^5tch, a know it all sometimes but always nice. Also Lee is not one of them, she has always stood up for us but has always and I mean always been stopped by upper management. Why do you think they brought in Jim Hendry? I as you also have witnessed a lot of what is in Dana's suit..


Camp should've sold this company when he had a chance. What's it worth now? Still no outcome studies. It's been 7 fucking years. By the time we get anything of value, the god damn "patents" will have expired.

someone should create a bogus email account and forward the link to this lawsuit to everyone that works at Pamlab. Everyone that works for the company should have insight on what's going on.

someone should create a bogus email account and forward the link to this lawsuit to everyone that works at Pamlab. Everyone that works for the company should have insight on what's going on.

Don't need to that's what this board is for. Trust me everyone knows and has read or is reading this.... YOU GO DANA & LEE..... You will prevail!!

Dana was a top producer??? Not hardly, look at the last 4 years, she was not on the radar or even close on the Dashboard. Apparently she is on here doing her normal posting and trying to build herself up. It looks as if she is replying to her own posts too.....shameless!

Dana was a top producer??? Not hardly, look at the last 4 years, she was not on the radar or even close on the Dashboard. Apparently she is on here doing her normal posting and trying to build herself up. It looks as if she is replying to her own posts too.....shameless!

You're a fucking idiot. Dashboard was backstabbing ladners and dip shit kronlage's percent to made up goal system........not actual stock bottles sold. You're telling me inside sales put more towards the companies bottom line than barringer, horning, Smith, or the Guy who sold a million dollars of nervous by himself. Dana sold some product.....period. sorry u can't hide behind dashboard anymore.

Dana was a top producer??? Not hardly, look at the last 4 years, she was not on the radar or even close on the Dashboard. Apparently she is on here doing her normal posting and trying to build herself up. It looks as if she is replying to her own posts too.....shameless!

You're an IDIOT...You're still drinking the Kool-Aid aren't you, even after all this and reading what this company has done to people. Keep defending the KKKlan you redneck asshole!

LOVE IT!!! While Dana can be a little annoying, it was obvious she cared about her job and really wanted a friend. Some of us were told to avoid her if we wanted to be liked by others, as no one should be around Dana. I always found her nice. I was a coward by choosing NOT to hang around her as I was scared what would happen to me.

Go Lee Go! You are wonderful and I have never heard one bad word about you from the sales force!

You know they'll march Lance up there as a witness. He's heard all the remarks made over the years. Plus he testified at the Carlene suit and not in a favorable way towards the company. Karma is a bitch.

Race to 100 million just took a big detour. This Race started in 2002, didn't it!? I suggest the KKKamp KKKlan starting eating all that great Louisiana seafood straight from the gulf. LOL

I think its Dana and Lee's race to a 100 million. You can say whatever you want about Dana but if you give her 10 million form this suit she will turn it into 100 million before any Camp would.

I heard that Lee Ingles is suing the company for descrimination. Is this true? It's hard to believe that the Director of Human Resources is suing for descrimination.

Wow, I hear "descrimination" is even more serious than "discrimination." Bwhahhahahahahahahaha, you pal turds are really something. Maybe if you had went to college you could have figured that one out. Oh well, pal pal pal, we work for pal!!!!!!

Wow, I hear "descrimination" is even more serious than "discrimination." Bwhahhahahahahahahaha, you pal turds are really something. Maybe if you had went to college you could have figured that one out. Oh well, pal pal pal, we work for pal!!!!!!

"Went to college?" Better call your fifth grade grammar teacher! Moron!

Lee & Dana...never mind the two idiots arguing. Please keep us informed with any news or websites to expose the KKKlan.
I Keep a copy of the Court Docket next to my toilet for good reading. It is a shame none of the Black Employees have ever spoke up, now is the time.