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LEAX is a bitch

Look, there’s a reason we only pay Indian workers 2 rupees a day - they are expendable. It seems like you would know that by now. I just can’t understand what you’re even complaining about – why not just hit the road and go get a new job?

Lene Hylling Axelsson, we are proud to be earning 2 rupees a day. Are you not ashamed that your jobless husband Lars doesn’t even earn that much?

Lene Hylling Axelsson, we are proud to be earning 2 rupees a day. Are you not ashamed that your jobless husband Lars doesn’t even earn that much?

You’re not conversing with her, but I’m sure she makes enough money that her husband doesn’t need to work.

Regardless, you keep trying to act like everyone else are bad people, but you’re pretty nasty yourself. You’ve said some ugly, personal stuff about people. I don’t know them, and they might be awful, but I think you’re getting what you deserve. You’re a nasty, hateful person.

Classic case of arrogance over-riding reality is LEAX. Now she reports 3 more covid positive cases in GBS & closes offices. Taking her favourite -idiot PRTS covid model, people at risk of infection in GBS will be much more employees! Other points to note in LEAX email today:-
“We would suggest that you avoid outside exposure and refrain from being out in crowded public places” -you bloody LEAX was in airports & taxis, sight-seeing & vacationing in Sikkim entire last week.
“Those of whom are eligible for the vaccine (45 years and above), we sincerely encourage you to go and get vaccinated.” -When will you bitch LEAX get vaccinated? Walk the talk!

Clear double standards for her Danish family & Indian employees. KMKN surely know what we are talking, no worries if he don’t care as LEAX writes in above post. We will continue to share truths here!!
More positive cases in GBS because of the bitch forcing people. The worst so called leader that we have the misfortune of suffering with. This woman doesn't deserve to even have a job peeling potatoes in a fast food joint. Bloody incompetent bitch.

LEAX is now targeting Indians again in the name of business ethics. She orders all Indian employees to sign a conflict of interest document warning that "non declaration may result in sanctions extending up to termination". Why is this double standards followed for us in GBS when no other affiliate or HQ in Novo nordisk signs such declaration. If this standard is applied to LEAX she herself should be terminated for bringing in a UK training vendor who she has had a prior relationship with and forcing usage in GBS. She has anyway learnt the art of taking kickbacks from 2 other danes CJNO and TLBJ who were spared with just a warning letter. NN way walks the talk.

LEAX hatred towards Indians is disgusting and ridiculous. In end 2019, Liz Hewitt and KBUN promised us during the townhall that business ethics is a closed matter and Indians will no longer be targeted but this bitch Lene continues her tirade against indians at all possible opportunities. Now that Liz Hewitt is gone will the new head of audit committee Laurence Debroux look into this matter seriously?

LEAX hatred towards Indians is disgusting and ridiculous. In end 2019, Liz Hewitt and KBUN promised us during the townhall that business ethics is a closed matter and Indians will no longer be targeted but this bitch Lene continues her tirade against indians at all possible opportunities. Now that Liz Hewitt is gone will the new head of audit committee Laurence Debroux look into this matter seriously?

it won’t make any difference. Earlier it was a British now it is French. Their only job is to make money and listen to the corrupt Danes.

This bitch LEAX has more than corruption to answer for. She forced employees back into the office to satisfy her greed and thirst for power. And now Bangalore case count has exploded. So many employees and their employees have fallen sick because of this maniacal bitch who does not care even for human life. She will pay for her crimes and suffer worse than she has made the employees suffer under her. It is a goddamn shame that a so called 'health care' company has appointed a fucking bitch to lead people in Bangalore to sickness and disease. What was the need to have her bloody idiotic rotation system to bring people to the office against their will. What did she achieve by that !? Just to flex her power ? Just to show everyone that no one can oppose her ? What a shameless bitch. She thinks she will get away with all her crimes, but she will face payback. Life will bitchslap her so hard it'll make her head spin.

No one came in against their will. You can choose to no longer work for the company if you don’t want to come in and do your job. If you accept a paycheck, you accept the terms of employment. Quit playing like you are a victim.

And you sound like a real class act - 100+ posts of trying to drag someone through the mud while you hide anonymously behind your computer. And you act like they are the bad person. You need to take a look in the mirror and start your work there.

No one came in against their will. You can choose to no longer work for the company if you don’t want to come in and do your job. If you accept a paycheck, you accept the terms of employment. Quit playing like you are a victim.

And you sound like a real class act - 100+ posts of trying to drag someone through the mud while you hide anonymously behind your computer. And you act like they are the bad person. You need to take a look in the mirror and start your work there.

This bitch LEAX has more than corruption to answer for. She forced employees back into the office to satisfy her greed and thirst for power. And now Bangalore case count has exploded. So many employees and their employees have fallen sick because of this maniacal bitch who does not care even for human life. She will pay for her crimes and suffer worse than she has made the employees suffer under her. It is a goddamn shame that a so called 'health care' company has appointed a fucking bitch to lead people in Bangalore to sickness and disease. What was the need to have her bloody idiotic rotation system to bring people to the office against their will. What did she achieve by that !? Just to flex her power ? Just to show everyone that no one can oppose her ? What a shameless bitch. She thinks she will get away with all her crimes, but she will face payback. Life will bitchslap her so hard it'll make her head spin.

Very true. The egomaniac will pay.

she is Danish she will never understand or care for what we or our country is going through. Just ignore her.
Report her to the authorities and labour commissioner. File public interest litigation against the company and her personally and take her to court. Company should kick her out immediately!!

Report her to the authorities and labour commissioner. File public interest litigation against the company and her personally and take her to court. Company should kick her out immediately!!

Look, you’re giving this person good advice...if there was actually some sort of violation going on. There’s a reason this person comes to CP to whine and cry all the time: because what they are saying is grossly misrepresenting what is actually happening. This person just hates those in charge, and wants to use a public forum to smear them. The bad person here is the loser who keeps dragging someone else through the mud while hiding anonymously behind their computer.

The drama by the bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson never seems to stop. Today she conducted some music event calling it game changers - entertainment and relaxation session. Many of us in GBS and our families have been severly impacted by Covid and this bitch does some nonesense to keep herself entertained. In mid march she promised vaccination for all employees and their families. She even went to collect personal data from all of us for some vaccine drive. Conducting a vaccine drive and taking care of our health and safety would have been much better priority than this useless musical event.
Will this bitch Lene ever understand our sufferings and prioritise what really is game changing. GBS is fed up of her.

The drama by the bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson never seems to stop. Today she conducted some music event calling it game changers - entertainment and relaxation session. Many of us in GBS and our families have been severly impacted by Covid and this bitch does some nonesense to keep herself entertained. In mid march she promised vaccination for all employees and their families. She even went to collect personal data from all of us for some vaccine drive. Conducting a vaccine drive and taking care of our health and safety would have been much better priority than this useless musical event.
Will this bitch Lene ever understand our sufferings and prioritise what really is game changing. GBS is fed up of her.
First make dozens of employees and their families get infected, then organise a song and dance to cheer them up like they are some cage monkeys.This stupid fucking bitch deserves only a job flipping burgers at KFC. Forget being a leader of GBS, she doesn't have brains to even know her ass from her elbow. Throw her out already!

What is false posts?

Is it false that LEAX has been forcing employees to come to office, even if they are not based on Bangalore, forcing them to stay in shared accommodation and spreading vrus between different parts of the country.

Is it false that there was no disruption to business during WFH, but still the bitch wanted people to come to office for no reason.

Is it false that dozens and dozens of employees were testing +ve and other employees were put at risk since they were not even told when someone in some department contracted disease.

Is it false that housekeeping and facilities staff were have too come daily and risk their lives of the office remains open, regardless of whether employees come or not.

Is it false that even until last week the bitch did not close down the office, even though Bangalore was the worst hit city across the country.

Is it false that despite being a healthcare company that blabbers about occupational health and safety, employees are made to risk their lives needlessly, for work that can do easily be done from home.

Is it false that the bitch has managed to get herself vaccinated and does not care about the thousands of employees who are not yet.

Is it false that the ego and power hungry bitch has endangered the lives of 2000 people and their families and has blood on her hands.

Don't be a sycophantic fool. She should be arrested and jailed for being a super spreader and deliberate negligence towards the well being of so many employees. If this company has any shame, she should be fired immediately! She should not be allowed to get away with this blatant and intentional recklessness.
This is a criminal act. Reckless endangerment of human life. She should be jailed under IPC section 304A. Plain and simple. Lock the bitch up.

#Novocares - Only for danish bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson

What role models companies are doing in India during this Covid crisis:-

- Providing long term guidance on work from home.
- Setting up Covid care centres at offices.
- Arranging vaccine drives for employees & families.
- Donations to government for covid relief.
- Big financial support for all employees in need.

What is this bitch model LEAX doing in a ‘health care’ company:-

- Forcing employees to come to office. Forced% was 25 & voluntary% is 0 (for records!!).
- Forcing Indians on Business Ethics signatures after she herself taking bribes from vendors.
- GBS not even giving donation but LEAX showing off NN Foundation donation as her own great initiative.
- Last year GBS donations for Covid was much less than international school fees of her 3 kids.
- No great support to employees in need except a stupid auto generated email.

Add on her old girlfriend CDO to the picture, who writes to 200 GBS people managers- ‘Considering the ongoing pandemic situation in the country, we will leverage one-hour on May 12 to talk about ‘Managing emotions in times of crisis’. What do you know about Indian emotions sitting in Denmark since 1+ year?? Waste of time!!
This bloody daily dramas by LEAX & her team is becoming unbearable now a days & needs to be stopped.

She is a disgrace to the company. A global shame and a total failure as not only a leader but as a human being. Every single person in Denmark is ashamed of her.

How does every person in Denmark even know her? Plus, do you know each one of them, and they’ve told you about their shame? And ‘a total failure’? I mean, she has done pretty well in her career, being she’s several levels above you. And, do you even know her outside of work to be able to label her as a total failure as a human being? Sounds like you’re just running your mouth because you don’t like her. I think your story sounds like bullshit.