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LEAX is a bitch

Another stupid GBS leadership connect - 3 same bloody idiots LEAX, AJAI and FCPA. Again speaking nonsense about return to office. Apparently it is all about changes, LEAX sharing a shitty change management decision she and her jobless husband made on returning to India from hiding. Ass licker FCPA saying he is loving being in office now a days. Useless doctor AJAI has no clue on co-morbidities in Covid, kept saying it 100 times. Hypocrisy at its best!!!!

The bitch LEAX only wants publicity. She is so desperate that her yammer posts which are useless get read and promoted, she asks her communication partner to send out email begging people to promote the posts on yammer. We would care if we knew this bitch LEAX did this to promote GBS but this is done only for her personal benefit. Same bitch who hid for 6 months in Denmark now expects employees to come out and promote her.

The fucking bitch LEAX writes that she is giving 2 gifts as token for appreciation and gratitude. One is a amazon voucher and another one the so called surprise we all know is a jacket since you have already taken the sizes from us. The gifts are giving by cutting our allowances during the pandemic and cutting the annual year end department gifts. So dont try to act like you care for us. We know you are taking from one pocket and putting in the other. All your emails are nothing but publicity stunts. You will never learn and improve you dirty bitch.

The bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson is proving her title day by day. Insurance renewal 2021 now launching 10% co-pay for parental claims. Give amazon voucher & jacket one day and take away insurance next day. I think she has told her boss KMKN that she will extract money from GBS employees to fund her kids exhorbitant international school fees. When will the bitch LEAX improve? Never. She wants everything paid for by the company including when she is in hiding. She is a racist bitch who hates Indians and thats why she is doing all this.

What the hell is going on? 3rd GBS leadership connect in 15 days.This time bitch LEAX and her old girlfriend CDO taking away 2 hours for nothing.People managers have work to do and are not jobless like LEAX husband.You useless people are celebrating pulse survey results answered by only 70% people and faking that only 140 people are worried about returning to office. We know 1400 people are worried but are forced by LEAX to come. CDO stop licking so much.
And you KMKN dont sit in a fool’s world and send flowers/balloons to GBS leaders, understand the reality and act accordingly. Drama queen LEAX sucks!!!!

Can you guys stop your bitching on cafe pharma. I think this is one main person treating Cafe Pharma as their therapist. No one cares, make this thread go away. It is old news!

Lene continues to openly disrespect Indian and Hindu culture but continues to not care since she is protected. On 24 Dec, during MCP 6th floor opening she wore shoes while lighting the innaugral lamp which is very religious and sacred for Indians.Check the yammer post which shows what a bitch she is and she has absolutely no respect whatsoever.No other Dane has ever done anything like this in GBS.

Lene continues to openly disrespect Indian and Hindu culture but continues to not care since she is protected. On 24 Dec, during MCP 6th floor opening she wore shoes while lighting the innaugral lamp which is very religious and sacred for Indians.Check the yammer post which shows what a bitch she is and she has absolutely no respect whatsoever.No other Dane has ever done anything like this in GBS.

Are you the model for respect that she should follow? You’ve spent 100 posts acting like a petulant child. You should be embarrassed by your behavior.

Whats happening in GBS is unbelievable and hellish. Office has been opened recently and in the last one week there have been 4 COVID positive cases in the office. LEAX, PRTS and AJAI argue that there is no need to disclose this information to all employees. Nobody is asking for the name of the affected employees but atleast they can say in which areas or buildings was the impact. These 3 bastards are putting all employees and their families at big risk of Covid with their arrogance and stupidity.

Whats happening in GBS is unbelievable and hellish. Office has been opened recently and in the last one week there have been 4 COVID positive cases in the office. LEAX, PRTS and AJAI argue that there is no need to disclose this information to all employees. Nobody is asking for the name of the affected employees but atleast they can say in which areas or buildings was the impact. These 3 bastards are putting all employees and their families at big risk of Covid with their arrogance and stupidity.

if they gave you the location in the building, it would be easy for you to identify which employee it is. I know you may not like it, but employees have a right to privacy in regards to their health. You are just drumming up stupid bullshit to cry about, like you always do. Just get to work and shut your mouth. Or go find a new fucking job. I’ve never seen anyone cry so much about a job, but still be too scared to go find a new one. You’re a coward.

Time to recap bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson dramas in last weeks:-
- Warns normal employees of social distance in office while GBS Mgmt didnt follow it in 10 year celebrations
- Conducted publicity events in auditorium where no social distance was followed by her
- Forcing more GBS employees to come to office when cases are increasing in Bangalore
- Conducting a ridiculous D&I leadership summit, agenda included lousy laughing and summit hosted by 2 Danes - LEAX and her old girlfriend CDO. Great advertisement for D&I.
More drama stories of this bitch will follow!

let me recap your post

- you’re a fucking crybaby

The arrogance and attitude of Lene Hylling Axelsson is ruining GBS fully. Now 1 complete floor of GBS is closed for 3 days as employees in office have tested Covid positive. This has put 200+ employees and their families at risk now. Not sure why this bitch is still forcing employees to come to office. Another fool is Anand Jain, who is supporting this drama bitch as head of new Normal group. Why dont you decide to close offices for some weeks as cases are increasing in Bangalore now? Is HQ Denmark listening or playing with lives of GBS employees?

The bloody bitch LEAX is out to destroy GBS employees and Indians in general. In one of earlier meeting in 2020 she and PRTS told us all employees that if cases cross 6000 we are in danger. Bangalore case is now 10000 and she still want 20% employee to come to office. She is literally forcing employees to come. 4 employees infected in our office buildings and they are not disclosing that to employees. No NN Way nothing!! Some of her double standards are:-
-She not wearing mask while speaking in auditorium in GBS General Mgmt hybrid off-site, but warns all of us in office to wear mask in toilet also.
-She and 35 people taking photo on stage with zero social distancing and she warns us in cafeteria not to sit 3 people in a table.
All this proof is in Yammer post by SIRU and her emails, but Compliance Hotline still protecting her and not taking us seriously. KMKN must see all this and help us, not just protect the Danish dictator if he really believe in Diversity and Inclusion and Fairness.

What is this lousy bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson upto? She is master of creating mess for personal gains. During some crazy pandemic weeks recently, she is passing confusing messages on working in office. It is 20 one week, 35 one week, 20 next day & voluntary very next day! We have all been put to high risk of virus because of this bitch. And don’t forget she has been blind to Covid herself by enjoying personal holidays in Agra and Sikkim for 1 week each in last 2 months. HQ still listening??

What is this lousy bitch Lene Hylling Axelsson upto? She is master of creating mess for personal gains. During some crazy pandemic weeks recently, she is passing confusing messages on working in office. It is 20 one week, 35 one week, 20 next day & voluntary very next day! We have all been put to high risk of virus because of this bitch. And don’t forget she has been blind to Covid herself by enjoying personal holidays in Agra and Sikkim for 1 week each in last 2 months. HQ still listening??

HQ was never listening. They don’t care. Just like no one else besides you care about this.

Classic case of arrogance over-riding reality is LEAX. Now she reports 3 more covid positive cases in GBS & closes offices. Taking her favourite -idiot PRTS covid model, people at risk of infection in GBS will be much more employees! Other points to note in LEAX email today:-
“We would suggest that you avoid outside exposure and refrain from being out in crowded public places” -you bloody LEAX was in airports & taxis, sight-seeing & vacationing in Sikkim entire last week.
“Those of whom are eligible for the vaccine (45 years and above), we sincerely encourage you to go and get vaccinated.” -When will you bitch LEAX get vaccinated? Walk the talk!

Clear double standards for her Danish family & Indian employees. KMKN surely know what we are talking, no worries if he don’t care as LEAX writes in above post. We will continue to share truths here!!

Classic case of arrogance over-riding reality is LEAX. Now she reports 3 more covid positive cases in GBS & closes offices. Taking her favourite -idiot PRTS covid model, people at risk of infection in GBS will be much more employees! Other points to note in LEAX email today:-
“We would suggest that you avoid outside exposure and refrain from being out in crowded public places” -you bloody LEAX was in airports & taxis, sight-seeing & vacationing in Sikkim entire last week.
“Those of whom are eligible for the vaccine (45 years and above), we sincerely encourage you to go and get vaccinated.” -When will you bitch LEAX get vaccinated? Walk the talk!

Clear double standards for her Danish family & Indian employees. KMKN surely know what we are talking, no worries if he don’t care as LEAX writes in above post. We will continue to share truths here!!

Look, there’s a reason we only pay Indian workers 2 rupees a day - they are expendable. It seems like you would know that by now. I just can’t understand what you’re even complaining about – why not just hit the road and go get a new job?