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LEAX is a bitch

When are you returning to India Lene Hylling Axelsson?You are sending big emails on strong leadership about direction setting and getting the priorities clear. Your priority seems to be hiding in Denmark and acting like a big leader without being present on the ground to face the covid realities in India.Running away to Denmark without informing employees,blurring your background in townhalls and shedding crocodile tears for Indians is not leadership.So stop sending useless mails and come here if you are a leader.

Bitch will come back.Jan 4, 2021. She desperately wants this job.Again we will see all the drama with security and all.

bitch will come back because if she stays in Denmark more than 6 months then she has to pay tax there. not because she cares about employees of GBS. she will come back for 1 week just to get tax break because expat tax is paid by company. after that she will go back for another six months. selfish cunning bitch just wants to loot company.

Returning to India or not returning doesn’t prove leadership. What really matters is CULTURE & RESPECT!! Summarising LEAX over last year:-
She always hates Indians & never misses an opportunity to demean Indian colleagues.
She has played dirty & double side games with GBS leaders and GBS stakeholders.
She has preached openness but has silently vanished to Denmark without even telling anyone in GBS.
When she leave India on 1 July– number of Covid cases are 6,00,000 and today it is 49,30,000. She has left Indians to suffer to pandemic and enjoy her life in Denmark on beaches & bars!!
We have many more such awful stories to share!! Writing 55 useless emails is not leadership.

Lene Hylling Axelsson is NOT a leader by any chance. Are you listening KMKN?

Another great achievement by the bitch LEAX.She has now cut monthly transportation allowance of all GBS employees stating work from home as a reason.Why the fuck does this not apply to rent paid in India for all 6 danish expats villas who have been hiding in denmark for more than 4-5 months.This clearly shows double standards for indian employees versus danish employees.This is the great company that talks about diversity and inclusion.Again proves LEAX is a bloody bitch.

Another great achievement by the bitch LEAX.She has now cut monthly transportation allowance of all GBS employees stating work from home as a reason.Why the fuck does this not apply to rent paid in India for all 6 danish expats villas who have been hiding in denmark for more than 4-5 months.This clearly shows double standards for indian employees versus danish employees.This is the great company that talks about diversity and inclusion.Again proves LEAX is a bloody bitch.
LEAX great achievements in Covid-19 times:-
-Cut insurance of all indian employees by 1 lakhs.
-Give pathetic amount for egronomics allowance.
-Ask employee to use saving pensions money for treatment.
-Now cut transportation allowance which is so small amount for a big company.
Saying there will be no more allowance due to hardship etc.
But she wants daily security guards, big villa in palm meadows, international school for her 3 kids- all at huge cost for company. Never seen such a mean-minded bitch!

LEAX great achievements in Covid-19 times:-
-Cut insurance of all indian employees by 1 lakhs.
-Give pathetic amount for egronomics allowance.
-Ask employee to use saving pensions money for treatment.
-Now cut transportation allowance which is so small amount for a big company.
Saying there will be no more allowance due to hardship etc.
But she wants daily security guards, big villa in palm meadows, international school for her 3 kids- all at huge cost for company. Never seen such a mean-minded bitch!

She knows you won’t leave. You’re too poor and too scared, so you’ll just take it, cry on a chat board, and get back to work for less than what you were being paid before. Indians are great like that! Too bad it took LEAX so long to realize she could spend so much less on you people - it’s great for company finances.

Remember GBS leadership summit on same time last year.LEAX made all 200 Indian people managers sing birthday song for her son Michael and recorded it.The bitch missed a golden opportunity to get our CFO to sing a birthday song at the same summit today.Dont worry we will post a nice message on his birthday.

Remember GBS leadership summit on same time last year.LEAX made all 200 Indian people managers sing birthday song for her son Michael and recorded it.The bitch missed a golden opportunity to get our CFO to sing a birthday song at the same summit today.Dont worry we will post a nice message on his birthday.

Yes. In the past one year the bitch has also been busy looting the company to buy his birthday present.

LEAX the bloody bitch advises GBS employees on tips and tricks to be followed during Diwali festival. Dont fuckin tell us how to celebrate our festival. You go to Denmark and think of how to celebrate Christimas, we can give you some advice for that also.Dont try to be a cultural ambassador. You were the one who was hiding for the last 6 months in Denmark during the pandemic. Now you come back and act as though you care about us.

BREAKING NEWS: GBS offices will open from 4 Jan 2021. The head of GBS, LEAX has mentioned "All employees will be expected to come to office whenever their rotation is scheduled". Never seen such a selfish motive by the bitch.

Thats what you should keep telling your jobless husband. He cant even sing simple song. Only running all time is no use.

I know you wish you were talking to the person that you’re so pissed at, but you’re not. I’m just pointing out that all of us have been asked to go to work, live, during this pandemic. Someone asking you to drag your lazy ass back into work isn’t a bad thing. Welcome to the club.

GBS Leadership Connect meeting today - 3 fucking Idiots LEAX, AJAI and FCPA sitting in office and speaking nonsense about return to office. LEAX wants all People Managers to say "Its our decision and not HER decision" while in fact it is a dictatorship by the bitch. She is also charging for food and cabs and says nothing is free. Forget the pandemic and remain calm!!!!!
What is free is school fees for her children in international school, villa living, driver and car. Atleast the bitch LEAX should have the courage to say it is her decision. Dont be so scared. You came back after hiding for 6 months. Now be bold and move about freely.

GBS Leadership Connect meeting today - 3 fucking Idiots LEAX, AJAI and FCPA sitting in office and speaking nonsense about return to office. LEAX wants all People Managers to say "Its our decision and not HER decision" while in fact it is a dictatorship by the bitch. She is also charging for food and cabs and says nothing is free. Forget the pandemic and remain calm!!!!!
What is free is school fees for her children in international school, villa living, driver and car. Atleast the bitch LEAX should have the courage to say it is her decision. Dont be so scared. You came back after hiding for 6 months. Now be bold and move about freely.

As everytime, it is another dramatic Leadership connect meeting on 4 decemeber 2020. Though all of us people managers have so many valid concerns on return to office, Lene(LEAX) just pushing us to come back and not at all ready to listen. Anand Jain(AJAI) though a doctor is speaking all nonsense and supporting Lene like a asshole. He is following footsteps of another useless doctor Prasanna(PRTS) who was Lene favorite in earlier meetings. Francis(FCPA) as moderator asking only questions given by Lene earlier itself and not taking any question asked by people managers on live chat window. End of it all GBS employees suffer and are exposed to pandemic because of this jokers.