
We cut half our Enbrel reps and the word is that the Dermatology people took advantage of the situation to eliminate the last Celgene managers who knew what was going on.

We have until the end of August to find new jobs inside this hell hole.

Which division are they layoffs coming from?
Let's just be honest and cut the dead weight. You know, those who "observe" on calls, usually off-camera. Those who call for stupid asks or to populate a spreadsheet. Come on, it takes 30 seconds in a live or remote meeting to learn who works and are must keeps. But nooo, Amgen doesn't think that way and preserves the friend or former colleague group, so pathetic. We all know more rifs are coming, let's retain some talent already.

Which division are they layoffs coming from?
It's bad, really bad with this cost trimming. There is no longer toilet paper in b38, it's byotp. My boss also rejected a recent Uber expense for 34 bucks while at a business meeting. Told me I should have taken the bus, no joke! Everyone is sweating at ATO because they don't want to use the air conditioning as much. Spoke with others today and you'll be shocked about the cost cutting measures due out soon. Even a butcher doesn't do this much cutting. Folks, you have no idea what's coming, hold on!

It's bad, really bad with this cost trimming. There is no longer toilet paper in b38, it's byotp. My boss also rejected a recent Uber expense for 34 bucks while at a business meeting. Told me I should have taken the bus, no joke! Everyone is sweating at ATO because they don't want to use the air conditioning as much. Spoke with others today and you'll be shocked about the cost cutting measures due out soon. Even a butcher doesn't do this much cutting. Folks, you have no idea what's coming, hold on!
My boss told me to get all the free pens and paper I can at conferences, meetings cause he can't approve the purchase anymore

I’ve never seen such a sudden mood change on campus in my many years. Get ready folks they are going to make huge cuts. They are looking at everybody and have already ranked teams from top to bottom. This won’t wait until the holidays it will happen very soon.

I’ve never seen such a sudden mood change on campus in my many years. Get ready folks they are going to make huge cuts. They are looking at everybody and have already ranked teams from top to bottom. This won’t wait until the holidays it will happen very soon.
It’s happening Thursday. Where have you been?

I call bullshit. you have no specifics. thursday will come and go without incident
The Endo team starts today, training schedule is about eight weeks. If layoffs happen this week, that gives them enough time to enact the WARN period so that those laid off are gone just as the new team starts.
There was also communication on the VP call there would be layoffs.
Also, why would the company pay for a bunch of reps to fly to Florida when they’re just gonna let them go? It was communicated with the team that everything would be set in place by the time the September meeting rolls around, use your brain.

The writing is on the wall guys. Most employees should be worried with the opening of a tech and innovation center with up to 3000 employees in India. Any and all jobs that can be replaced with AI will be.

We will use this latest RIF to rid ourselves of the remaining independent Celgene DNA. Free thinking and non emoji pumping will be eradicated. We need DD to be fully NUBU by Labor Day.