Layoffs in December

If any team gets downsized it will be the Rental team . Nest can easily pick up Lokelma and continue with Farxiga, BI need to keep the Renal reps without Roxa

You wish moron. Farxiga is a renal product now and we are the only team with relationships in nephrology. All I hear from nest is you have no access to endos anymore, I know you have none in nephrology. What sense would it make to cut renal instead of nest? ? We already know Lokelma and farxiga. They can give renal the endos if needed. Even you should be able to see that.

I want to know. Are we going to get laid off or not? I hate waiting until the holidays to find out if I am going to be living off of unemoyment! This is ridiculous. Last time they gave us no warning!!

I'm sure the decision has been made if there will be lay offs in December. Unfortunately senior managers will not share this info with the field. Everyone knows that. It's a shame but nobody has a crystal ball to foresee the future. You will sit and wait like everyone else for the news. If you don't have a plan what to do if your number is called shame on you. Start planning now! Now if history is any guide and reps keep complaining that they don't have enough work to do, layoffs probably will come in December but who knows? Stop worrying and start planning!!!

I'm sure the decision has been made if there will be lay offs in December. Unfortunately senior managers will not share this info with the field. Everyone knows that. It's a shame but nobody has a crystal ball to foresee the future. You will sit and wait like everyone else for the news. If you don't have a plan what to do if your number is called shame on you. Start planning now! Now if history is any guide and reps keep complaining that they don't have enough work to do, layoffs probably will come in December but who knows? Stop worrying and start planning!!!
Hit the back door, bitches!!


I'm sure the decision has been made if there will be lay offs in December. Unfortunately senior managers will not share this info with the field. Everyone knows that. It's a shame but nobody has a crystal ball to foresee the future. You will sit and wait like everyone else for the news. If you don't have a plan what to do if your number is called shame on you. Start planning now! Now if history is any guide and reps keep complaining that they don't have enough work to do, layoffs probably will come in December but who knows? Stop worrying and start planning!!!
Spot On! I "work" 3 hours per day.

You wish moron. Farxiga is a renal product now and we are the only team with relationships in nephrology. All I hear from nest is you have no access to endos anymore, I know you have none in nephrology. What sense would it make to cut renal instead of nest? ? We already know Lokelma and farxiga. They can give renal the endos if needed. Even you should be able to see that.

A monkey with down syndrome could sell farxiga... "Hey doc here's 45 samples of a drug you'll never write, all I need is your sig and I'm gone, thank you!"

I told you stupid, Contemptible drug reps to go to the back door, to chase ‘em down in the parking lot, but did you listen? Nooooo!!! And look at you now you stupid little monkeys - yes. I like Scarface - you’re going to get kicked to the curb in Secember, and I’ll be doing the kicking!!! By the way, I LOvE my awesome moniker (Back Door Bob). You should’ve listened to me!!!


Is Farxiga #1 yet? It should be.
Not yet, but Bob has a new plan coming soon! I don’t want to spoil it (because I know you’re all waiting with bated breath). I’ll give you a quick preview: it involves paying Russian hookers to pee on top competitors’ execs then publishing photos. He’ll outline more on Workplace shortly…stay tuned!

You’re an idiot. If anyone needs to go, it’s Nest. That makes the most business sense. Farxiga is a renal product now and the Renal team are the only ones with relationships in nephrology. Renal should continue with Lokelma and farxiga, then pickup the Endos as well. All I hear from the Nest people is they have no access in endo anymore, I know they have none in nephrology, sooo what do they bring to the table other than dead weight?
My prediction, layoffs are coming in Nest and CV in December. Many people will go. Larrys and Bobs will always!!!!!!!!!!!

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