Layoffs in CV before the year ends

The current CV will not promote Pelacarsen! This was heard directly from one of the three stooges mouth. They have no intention of letting this sales force promote it! Anyone saying otherwise is misinformed and being told this to string them along for thinking their is something on the horizon besides Leqvio.

Will see. Hard to believe anything 3 stooges say. On the pipeline charts it’s under cv. If that’s the case, cuts will happen when Entresto goes and they will keep too many bodies around trying to save Leqvio. If cv does get it, there will be too many reps promoting it.

What exactly are TLL measured on? Given Des’ wife is one in CV however, the role will prob be around as long as he is.

I’m sure her interview for the job was very lengthy and based on her experience. Right. Why not make her an AD overnight, spending money left and right…”engaging customers” for 2 minutes. Those TLLs travel and spend so much money for literally 2-10 minute interactions. $2-3k trip for 2-10 minutes. Hmmm. Oh, but let them also get all the travels perks from hotels and airlines. And comp days. For “working” half an hour on a Saturday. Ok.

I’m sure her interview for the job was very lengthy and based on her experience. Right. Why not make her an AD overnight, spending money left and right…”engaging customers” for 2 minutes. Those TLLs travel and spend so much money for literally 2-10 minute interactions. $2-3k trip for 2-10 minutes. Hmmm. Oh, but let them also get all the travels perks from hotels and airlines. And comp days. For “working” half an hour on a Saturday. Ok.

And that SOB is beating the shit out of the sales force! Just wait until you see what’s coming with upskilling and performance based coaching. I think I will reach out to his wife to see for some pointers on how to get promoted overnight

I wonder why anyone would take a job in CRM with Entresto parent running out in the near future and Leqvio not meeting projections. I guess there is a lot of desperation out there.

I wonder why anyone would take a job in CRM with Entresto parent running out in the near future and Leqvio not meeting projections. I guess there is a lot of desperation out there.
The same reason most stay here.
All Pharma sucks
The job is easy
The money is good
We can’t do much better elsewhere

Wrong! You can do much better, I did. I left CV on my own and making more money. True, the same BS exists throughout pharma but Novartis is baaad. If you you want to stay, stay but don’t complain. At least update your resume so you’re ready when the layoff hits.

Wrong! You can do much better, I did. I left CV on my own and making more money. True, the same BS exists throughout pharma but Novartis is baaad. If you you want to stay, stay but don’t complain. At least update your resume so you’re ready when the layoff hits.
Fair points, though I’ll probably still complain about the idiocy that’s so rampant at Novartis! You know it’s bad when you look at the “layoffs” thread hopefully.