Layoffs in CV before the year ends


They are acting like they are hiring but they are not. Look at all the positions on brass ring they aren’t being filled. I work in a part of the company where there are 70 or more applications for each job but nothing is happening. New leader = new people. Change is coming,
If you already work in cardiology or hospital you know leqvio is not a hospital drug. If you are a regular old “tas” you know leqvio is a nightmare. I pray they offer voluntary packages this time.

They are acting like they are hiring but they are not. Look at all the positions on brass ring they aren’t being filled. I work in a part of the company where there are 70 or more applications for each job but nothing is happening. New leader = new people. Change is coming,
If you already work in cardiology or hospital you know leqvio is not a hospital drug. If you are a regular old “tas” you know leqvio is a nightmare. I pray they offer voluntary packages this time.
Are you ok? Most of the sales positions listed are in cardiovascular and they ARE filling all the vacancies. They said on a National call they will continue to fill all vacancies. They also said yes, there will be layoffs. by “they”, I mean Des.

Pure speculation. Fact … they ARE filling vacancies so the people freaking out right now stop reading cafe pharma, people spreading rumors or speculation shut up and find a hobby

Agree. Currently filling positions doesn’t mean anything. ‘Novartis has announced layoffs in past within months of hiring people. However, it seems like it’s business as usual until Entresto goes generic. Then it will be a an issue of how Leqvio tracking and time line of Pelacarsen launch. Novartis always keeps too many people around. Look at the last CV reorg. Could have cut double what they did. Look at the delay of the Leqvio launch. Paid people to hang out for a year. Every restructure in this company for the last 15 years I’ve been here has kept more people than needed. Right now they want to squeeze every $ they can get out of Entresto and try to right the Leqvio mess. Seriously don’t understand why they keep hiring right now but it’s the Novartis way.