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Layoffs coming

The MOLE sounds like he knows whats up! Sanofi laid off last year right before Christmas. The old Takeda would consider not doing this but the new company dumped that idea right along with the Tiffany gifts!

Mole here. The natives are extremely restless and soon you will discover their intentions. A very reliable source has opined that few will be left standing once the dust clears. As for those daily car drivers, they are in major jeapordy come December. An orderly evacuation was planned, but rapidly declining Actos sales has forced them to play their hand. Enjoy your holidays.

C'mon man - imposter moles piss me off. BTW I am a pretty simple dude, I would NEVER use the word "opined" or "car driver". If you want to be me, the HUNG MOLE identity is for sale = top $$$. If you are looking for clearance, the HUNG HSM FROM THE SOUTH is going for a song.

Mid Feb is the announcement, 2/3 of force will be gone by April 1st - start of new fiscal qtr. Get rid of as many as possible between now and then, be warned and actually start working for at least the new qtr, get that severance.

HUNG MOLE (real one, no pussy fakes)

Any moron who really believes they're going to do a layoff coinciding with the planned launch of 3 products and before Actos goes off patent should not only be terminated for being stupid, but also sterilized to spare the rest of society.

Any moron who really believes they're going to do a layoff coinciding with the planned launch of 3 products and before Actos goes off patent should not only be terminated for being stupid, but also sterilized to spare the rest of society.

Let me guess you are Takeda legacy rep who doesn't actually believe people were cut last year. You just seem to think that 1600 people just happened to quit on the same day. Quit free basing the kool-aid and wake up. It is over. Takeda is not going to take care of you anymore. There will not be 3 product launches. Wake up!!!!

Let me guess you are Takeda legacy rep who doesn't actually believe people were cut last year. You just seem to think that 1600 people just happened to quit on the same day. Quit free basing the kool-aid and wake up. It is over. Takeda is not going to take care of you anymore. There will not be 3 product launches. Wake up!!!!

I'd be willing to bet your severance you were one of those 1600. You should spend less time trolling your former employer's board and more time trying to find another job. The scary thing is the cold, hard truth has set in on why you don't have a job at this point. It's in the mirror every morning when you wake up. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

I'd be willing to bet your severance you were one of those 1600. You should spend less time trolling your former employer's board and more time trying to find another job. The scary thing is the cold, hard truth has set in on why you don't have a job at this point. It's in the mirror every morning when you wake up. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

I am just reading these boards for amusement, but this post shows a lack of knowledge about the world outside of pharma.

Read a newspaper. If you get layed off, you will not get an interview. You have to have a job to get a job at this time.

While you seem to think that only the bad people got the boot, I suspect you will be in denial when its your turn.

It's the pharma industry and lay-offs are coming to a place near you. When it does you can think back and realize that you've finally been recognized as the shit head.

I am just reading these boards for amusement, but this post shows a lack of knowledge about the world outside of pharma.

Read a newspaper. If you get layed off, you will not get an interview. You have to have a job to get a job at this time.

While you seem to think that only the bad people got the boot, I suspect you will be in denial when its your turn.

It's the pharma industry and lay-offs are coming to a place near you. When it does you can think back and realize that you've finally been recognized as the shit head.

I believe post #27 said something along the lines about finding another job. It didn't say anything about a job in pharma. If you're going to read these boards for amusement, at least work on your reading comprehension. Might help your future employment endeavors.

Now run along, troll.

Any moron who really believes they're going to do a layoff coinciding with the planned launch of 3 products and before Actos goes off patent should not only be terminated for being stupid, but also sterilized to spare the rest of society.

oh yes we will be saved with the launch of the 3 products in the coming months. if you knew anything about the 3 products that MIGHT launch you'd know that you can still get rid of 2/3 of the sales force and still be okay.

here's a link with some really exciting news from Yasu! Enjoy the fat paychecks for the next couple of months, I am.


I am just reading these boards for amusement, but this post shows a lack of knowledge about the world outside of pharma.

Read a newspaper. If you get layed off, you will not get an interview. You have to have a job to get a job at this time.

While you seem to think that only the bad people got the boot, I suspect you will be in denial when its your turn.

It's the pharma industry and lay-offs are coming to a place near you. When it does you can think back and realize that you've finally been recognized as the shit head.

You don't have to have a job to get a job.Companies understand that alot of talented people have been laid off through no fault of their own,but there is only a 6 month window for this allowance,because after that the thought is that others have turned you down,so will consider the next group of freshly laid off reps!

I'd be willing to bet your severance you were one of those 1600. You should spend less time trolling your former employer's board and more time trying to find another job. The scary thing is the cold, hard truth has set in on why you don't have a job at this point. It's in the mirror every morning when you wake up. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Actually,there are some of us that were fortunate enough to find good pharma jobs within 2 months after layoff,meaning we double-dipped for 3 months,got 401-k plan credit for full payoff early,and in general,came out over $25,000 ahead. We troll the Takeda board to keep up with how bad the company continues to get.Though I wish my friends at Takeda well,I'm soooo glad to be gone,and "yes",there is life afterTakeda if you act quickly to update resume,network,and professionally and agressively appy for other jobs! Good luck! Upper management?-f### y##!

I'd be willing to bet your severance you were one of those 1600. You should spend less time trolling your former employer's board and more time trying to find another job. The scary thing is the cold, hard truth has set in on why you don't have a job at this point. It's in the mirror every morning when you wake up. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Dude you dont have to be so mean. Karma comes back.

Of course there's a layoff coming you fucking idiot. Because you can't sell, and neither can most reps at Takeda. You think you're a soothsayer for being able to predict that you fucking jackass. Hmmm. What can I do to prevent me getting laid off? Gee, I know, why don't I go out and sell something. There's a novel idea. Maybe rather than talking about the fact that there's a layoff coming, I should actually get off my fucking lazy ass and fucking sell something. Maybe if everyone did that we'd actually avoid a layoff. Fuck you, you fucking fuckstick! I'm sick of these fucking fuckers that want to just sit around and complain all day rather than actually doing their job. Leave the fucking company if you don't like it. FUCK YOU!

Hey r***** you obviously were a couple bricks short of a wall - nobody sells in this industry. You obviously haven't figured that out yet. Managed care drives what people do and Takeda has never been able to do even an average job getting coverage worth a darn. That includes ACTOS. Everyone wonders why it took us so long to overtake Avandia when we had a superior profile - it had nothing to do with the reps.

This company has been poorly managed for the last 5 years and unfortunately the decision making has only gotten worse over time. Stop pretending you are more holier than the rest of us and take your ass fucking like the rest of us Moron.

Any moron who really believes they're going to do a layoff coinciding with the planned launch of 3 products and before Actos goes off patent should not only be terminated for being stupid, but also sterilized to spare the rest of society.

You should be sterilized for not thinking about any of the nonsense you just wrote - 3 product launches? please- they will never get approval for 2 and the 3rd is a bigger waste of time than Edarbi. ACTOS doesn't need reps on the street now - getting rid of reps would only improve the bottom line.

The only stupid one is you - go wallow in your shallow, single neuron, shell.

I believe post #27 said something along the lines about finding another job. It didn't say anything about a job in pharma. If you're going to read these boards for amusement, at least work on your reading comprehension. Might help your future employment endeavors.

Now run along, troll.

You clearly are a bigger moron than the OP because they don't mention getting a job in Pharma - they mention understanding the world outside of pharma after you get let go. Fun throwing rocks in a glass house isn't it shiteater?

Re: Layoffs coming & hiring freeze

How come there are so many posting for jobs on the takeda website. I Interviewed a few months back and went through the whole process and thought I was going to get hired but they could not tell me anything at all. I think that there is a hiring freeze on and that does not bold well for the state of the takeda sales force. I think they are waiting for layoffs before they go and hire any new sales reps for the open territories right now. Good Luck to you all of you. This industry is falling apart very fast and it is very sad because the Government has a lot to do with the sorry state of affairs that is the pharma industry.

Re: Layoffs coming & hiring freeze

How come there are so many posting for jobs on the takeda website. I Interviewed a few months back and went through the whole process and thought I was going to get hired but they could not tell me anything at all. I think that there is a hiring freeze on and that does not bold well for the state of the takeda sales force. I think they are waiting for layoffs before they go and hire any new sales reps for the open territories right now. Good Luck to you all of you. This industry is falling apart very fast and it is very sad because the Government has a lot to do with the sorry state of affairs that is the pharma industry.

Ain't the govt pal. All about everyone going generic. Got it?

The ain't the gov't comment....you need to think bigger picture. Why do you think all of managed care is pushing generics? The gov't certainly has a big hand in it. Look at Medicare. There is so much pressure from the gov't on these managed care companies. They want to be competitive too. It is a problem from every angle. Layoffs are coming.

Just look at the facts. Prevacid and its' $4 billion in revenue are gone just a couple of short years ago. Soon Actos at its' $4 billion in sales will be gone. To fill that we have come out with 3 products that at most will be $600 million in sales. Takeda reduced the company/sales force by 28%. With actos gone soon our gross sales will have fallen 84% in the past three years. So what else could be done other than massive layoffs before actos goes generic? Use your heads people. It's comming. Only the fools will be surprised!

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