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Layoffs are coming

Hmmmmm.....layoffs in R&D means less new drugs discovered, which means less new drugs to sell, which means bye bye sales team

Bye bye slackers

Actually this is the new norm. Instead of investing in your own R&D focused on a few areas, you look for small R&D companies and partner with them.

But there will be some layoffs. I don't think there are 3000 people in R&D worldwide. I say 2000 R&D, 1000 sales in the U.S. That's 33%. Contrave is gone and the sales force will become 1 again. Footprints with more than 4 reps between Apex and Elite will be targeted. There will be 3-4 reps selling all the drugs
GI Rep: Amatiza & Dexilant
Gout Rep: uloric and colcrys
CNS rep: Brintelex
Diabetes Rep: Nesina

Actually this is the new norm. Instead of investing in your own R&D focused on a few areas, you look for small R&D companies and partner with them.

But there will be some layoffs. I don't think there are 3000 people in R&D worldwide. I say 2000 R&D, 1000 sales in the U.S. That's 33%. Contrave is gone and the sales force will become 1 again. Footprints with more than 4 reps between Apex and Elite will be targeted. There will be 3-4 reps selling all the drugs
GI Rep: Amatiza & Dexilant
Gout Rep: uloric and colcrys
CNS rep: Brintelex
Diabetes Rep: Nesina

How about just dumping Nesina? Save a lot of bucks by no longer funding this dog. 1000 talentless reps gone sounds like a good start for me!!

How about just dumping Nesina? Save a lot of bucks by no longer funding this dog. 1000 talentless reps gone sounds like a good start for me!!

Actually Nesina surprisingly makes money. Contrave doesn't. Look at the breakdown in finances for Orex. We pay 20% of net revenue to them plus bonus payments for volume. Takeda gave the drug away for $70 (14 to Orex, scale down gets something and then the reps are paid). Leaves very little for Takeda.

So, I heard the R&D town hall did say significant layoffs coming to R&D but that they were only talking about R&D. Unfortunately, we do not work in silos here at Takeda (although, much of the time it seems we do) and that will most definitely mean that sales will get cut too. Think about how we are stepping all over each other here in the field. Don't you all agree we could cut half of us and we'd still be over sized. Make the cuts as soon as possible. If I'm kept, give me more drugs and I will sell them all. If I'm cut, give me my severance and I will kindly leave. All I know is it can't go on like this with us stepping all over each other while selling mid and low range products.

So, I heard the R&D town hall did say significant layoffs coming to R&D but that they were only talking about R&D. Unfortunately, we do not work in silos here at Takeda (although, much of the time it seems we do) and that will most definitely mean that sales will get cut too. Think about how we are stepping all over each other here in the field. Don't you all agree we could cut half of us and we'd still be over sized. Make the cuts as soon as possible. If I'm kept, give me more drugs and I will sell them all. If I'm cut, give me my severance and I will kindly leave. All I know is it can't go on like this with us stepping all over each other while selling mid and low range products.

Whoa? WHERE in the country do YOU work? Really? stepping all over one another? Seriously I'm like this lone cowboy in a huge area; I never see my counterpart on the other side.

oncology development splitting. Late stage in the wonders of open floor plans for everyone up to director level. Early stage staying out and eventually moving to 35 building in Cambridge. No word on lay offs buy quiet exits in development have been occurring regular for a few weeks.

Might be a strategy in R&D to reduce headcount through attrition to avoid cost of packages, especially in Boston where there are more external opportunities in biotech.

That approach won't work in Deerfield, there's few local oppurtunities. R&D layoffs are a certainty there, just a matter of when.

Plenty of management overhead in R&D at the exec level that can be cut without hurting the business much. A good place to start.

But no amount of R&D cuts will help the lack of pipeline.

Yes, attrition is part of the strategy. Lots of people who work on inflammation R&D located in California will go since that's not a business focus anymore. Same with CV and metabolic. No more R&D in diabetes. Some people kept there obviously for life cycle mamgement. CNS reasearch in Cali would be retained since that's a focus area. Oncology head count wont change much I wouldn't think. But, I'm sure there will be some pain there as well. The idea is to partner some R&D and do some in house. What that looks like in terms of numbers is anybodies guess at this point. Not too many rumors going around, so they are keeping it pretty hush hush. If I were in Deerfield, I'd be working on the resume.

Yes, attrition is part of the strategy. Lots of people who work on inflammation R&D located in California will go since that's not a business focus anymore. Same with CV and metabolic. No more R&D in diabetes. Some people kept there obviously for life cycle mamgement. CNS reasearch in Cali would be retained since that's a focus area. Oncology head count wont change much I wouldn't think. But, I'm sure there will be some pain there as well. The idea is to partner some R&D and do some in house. What that looks like in terms of numbers is anybodies guess at this point. Not too many rumors going around, so they are keeping it pretty hush hush. If I were in Deerfield, I'd be working on the resume.

Seen the corporate messages lately? If you're not in CNS and GI, you're done. If you're DM has been leaning on you lately, you're gonna get done. Get your Exit Strategy ready.

Watch the video they sent out today - they dispel this rumor. They say other drugs are needed to carry the company. I think we've all gotten worked up for nothing. All I know is I better get to go to Vegas.

Seen the corporate messages lately? If you're not in CNS and GI, you're done. If you're DM has been leaning on you lately, you're gonna get done. Get your Exit Strategy ready.

Actually this is the new norm. Instead of investing in your own R&D focused on a few areas, you look for small R&D companies and partner with them.

But there will be some layoffs. I don't think there are 3000 people in R&D worldwide. I say 2000 R&D, 1000 sales in the U.S. That's 33%. Contrave is gone and the sales force will become 1 again. Footprints with more than 4 reps between Apex and Elite will be targeted. There will be 3-4 reps selling all the drugs
GI Rep: Amatiza & Dexilant
Gout Rep: uloric and colcrys
CNS rep: Brintelex
Diabetes Rep: Nesina

Wow I am pretty impressed with myself. I was dead on!!!!

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