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Layoffs are Coming


Trust me that I speak for all Bostonians, we don’t want any Chicago people coming here. Good riddance!!
LOL.....Who from Chicago would want to move to TAXachuessetts? I am in the Nashville territory and would never relocate to Mass even if they doubled my salary. People from Chicago would probably do circles around their Boston counterparts. Truth hurts sometimes.

LOL.....Who from Chicago would want to move to TAXachuessetts? I am in the Nashville territory and would never relocate to Mass even if they doubled my salary. People from Chicago would probably do circles around their Boston counterparts. Truth hurts sometimes.
LOLOLOL Blue attacking BLUE..They eat their own.

Shit show is right

CW and his Boston ties, ego, kids going to school there, and being on NE university board of directors are why Takeda moved to Boston

A ton of financial adjustments, selling Deerfield campus at a loss, etc is buried in the books

Lets not talk about the excess inventory that Shite built up/overstated to pump up the value of the company leading up to the TAkeda acquisition

While I don’t question the long term value in acquiring Shire, the move to Boston made zero sense from a dollar and cent standpoint.

Yes, have a large R&D presence there...

But for operations, marketing, finance, HR, IT, Legal, etc......costs r higher in Boston

If I were to run a Pharma company, I would have my R&D based in Boston and everything else would be in Chicago, NC, anywhere but Boston, SF, or NY

Please lay us off! They are trying to push people to quit. Although it’s working..just pay us and move on. There’s enough managers,interim managers,Trainers,RD’s,and assistants to the regional manager to start a new sales force

LOL.....Who from Chicago would want to move to TAXachuessetts? I am in the Nashville territory and would never relocate to Mass even if they doubled my salary. People from Chicago would probably do circles around their Boston counterparts. Truth hurts sometimes.
Maybe people who want to root for a good football team??

Please lay us off! They are trying to push people to quit. Although it’s working..just pay us and move on. There’s enough managers,interim managers,Trainers,RD’s,and assistants to the regional manager to start a new sales force
NBU needs a restructuring. All we hear from HCPs is how expensive our meds are and yet between Takeda and Lundbeck we are way over promoting to these people. Maybe if they didn’t pay six-figure salaries to multiple reps to sell the same old drugs to the same providers, they could be more reasonable with the copay/deductible pay downs.

I would hate to lose my friends or my job, but we can’t continue with this.

Can’t believe Lundbeck hasn’t had a layoff yet! They have no pipeline whatsoever, and are total dependent on their psych drugs. Something happens to them then it’s likely something will happen to us and vice versa. Something has got to give soon.

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