The DCO is a cool cat but I do agree with your other comments. Ctl's here are indeed stale and would fail miserably at another company. Face it, ctl's are hanging out hoping to eek out a retirement here, some will make it, many others will fail. Merck will continue to erode with these geriatric ctl's, only saving grace is to populate the ranks with younger ctl's with balls and skills, this may also mean hiring from the outside. The mentality of ctl's is so routine, so mundane. Wake up, tcs, reports, field visit, check the box,repeat. No employee development, no engagement and this is why reps really don't give a shit. Great rep gig for the mum's who wake up, don't do their hair, get some sigs, feed the office cows and head home early to tend to homestead duties. Not a real job, everyone just goes through the motions and hangs out. Funny but really sad and we can all see this coming to an end. May be this month, next year or a wee later, but it will end. Soooo sad.