Layoffs and severance package

I can’t be mad that I’m dianes call. I’ll get severance and I mean hell I’ve only worked probably 5 days since April. 0 since first of July. Looks like I won.

I haven’t worked since we lost the Du case and V went Generic. It was obvious we would be canned. Do unto them before they will eventually do unto you. Anyone caught off guard by this deserves their fate. Luckily, I’ve secured another position and will Double Dip like I have been. With this Severance and Warn period, I’ll be ok. Never trust a word Management says. And never trust your coworkers. Eventually both will stab you in the back.

I haven’t worked since we lost the Du case and V went Generic. It was obvious we would be canned. Do unto them before they will eventually do unto you. Anyone caught off guard by this deserves their fate. Luckily, I’ve secured another position and will Double Dip like I have been. With this Severance and Warn period, I’ll be ok. Never trust a word Management says. And never trust your coworkers. Eventually both will stab you in the back.

karma gets clowns like you. It may not be today or tomorrow but when you least expect it.

always a few idiots that post stuff like this when people’s livelihoods are at stake. Grow up you piece of garbage.

Your job is not you livelihood you dumb fuck. This won’t be the 1st or last time some company will get rid of your ass. What a sorry life you live to attach this to your identity. I’m sure the C Suite is really feeling sorry for you right about now.

karma gets clowns like you. It may not be today or tomorrow but when you least expect it.
You are very naive. Your company is not your family. They really don’t care for you or your welfare. You have to look out for yourself. Signed From someone with lots of experience who had to learn the hard way.

It’s funny a lot of you seemed shocked the email was sent late last night. This is what pharma does

I agree! This is the third time I have been laid off in pharma and I have to say I think Amarin did it the best. Yea it sucks and it still hurts but they did it quickly. There was no sit by the phone and wait. All the anxiety was taken out. The moment Joe began to speak you could hear the emotion in his voice and you knew what he was about to deliver. Time to move on. Next!

I agree! This is the third time I have been laid off in pharma and I have to say I think Amarin did it the best. Yea it sucks and it still hurts but they did it quickly. There was no sit by the phone and wait. All the anxiety was taken out. The moment Joe began to speak you could hear the emotion in his voice and you knew what he was about to deliver. Time to move on. Next!

So what does the picture look like? How much reduction in the US?