Lay offs

This is the best thread of the year only because it exposes how incredibly arrogant some people are about things they have absolutely no clue about. The number of people here commenting about a university they never went to is hilarious. Yes, undergrads and MBA students mixed at Wharton. Same tests. Same homework groups. Same classes. None of you know because none of you went there. And I doubt that guy is Chris haro because he said he's an undergrad. This thread is pretty funny though. A guy says he went to a school and apparently you all seem to know he didn't based on....nothing? Everything he has said seems accurate
GFY coward

Once again for the record: graduating from any particular school (or any school at all) is not a real accomplishment in the professional world. The thing that overwhelmingly counts most is what you do on the job.
People who focus on their school or degree have not done anything noteworthy in the professional world, often because they are newbies with no accomplishments at all.

And the pervasive mindset in sales is that management and everyone else sucks and we are the best salespeople if only you gave us good drugs and a good launch. No accountability from anyone in sales for failed programs. It's always the home offices fault. That's all I ever hear. Seems to be a trend that you can't sell anything
Stop! When have you seen a post that states Amgen does not have "good drugs"? Amgen has phenomenal drugs, but do not act as though the failures lie within one side of the organization. However, give the details on where the sales force has been given a best in class product with, just, "decent" coverage and did not perform. You cannot, but I can give you, numerous, examples of where we overplayed our hand and screwed up the negotiations and/or pricing. The sales team cannot negotiate coverage contracts or pricing, . A lot of the success is built upon those factors.

There are awful sales force people just like there are awful managers in TO.