Lay offs

Stop being jealous loser. Tell me how to post a pic of my diploma on here and I will. I'll just redact the name. Only you would think to pretend to go to a school you never went to. And who says brah? You really must be in sales.
So daddy got you into Wharton? You must be a scientist or in home office making less than me.

So daddy got you into Wharton? You must be a scientist or in home office making less than me.

Nobody got me into Wharton except myself and my own hard work and intelligence. No legacy. No donations. You're a fool, it's pathetic. My dad went to university of Kansas. And he isn't wealthy. I make more now as a 34 year old than he ever made in his career. And no I'm not a scientist and I either make more than you now or have far more earnings potential than your shit career will in sales. Man you really like to speculate just to make yourself feel better. Don't try to bet on the stock market. You suck at this.


Stop being jealous loser. Tell me how to post a pic of my diploma on here and I will. I'll just redact the name. Only you would think to pretend to go to a school you never went to. And who says brah? You really must be in sales.
Running your mouth, still, but you're too stupid to realize that universities issue degrees, not diplomas. Stupid, ass! You're making this too easy.

Running your mouth, still, but you're too stupid to realize that universities issue degrees, not diplomas. Stupid, ass! You're making this too easy.

No actually. Your degree specifies the specific education and field of study you have been awarded. As in my degree is a bachelor of science in economics with a concentration in finance from the Wharton school. That is the technical term. That's what you get. My diploma is the piece of paper that says exactly that. You're a fucking moron. Go back to community college. You're literally dumb as a stone.

Nobody got me into Wharton except myself and my own hard work and intelligence. No legacy. No donations. You're a fool, it's pathetic. My dad went to university of Kansas. And he isn't wealthy. I make more now as a 34 year old than he ever made in his career. And no I'm not a scientist and I either make more than you now or have far more earnings potential than your shit career will in sales. Man you really like to speculate just to make yourself feel better. Don't try to bet on the stock market. You suck at this.

Don’t waste your time with this guy arguing with you he’s just jealous and didn’t go to Wharton - and I’m in sales- Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

No actually. Your degree specifies the specific education and field of study you have been awarded. As in my degree is a bachelor of science in economics with a concentration in finance from the Wharton school. That is the technical term. That's what you get. My diploma is the piece of paper that says exactly that. You're a fucking moron. Go back to community college. You're literally dumb as a stone.
Stones do not have brains, so, it is impossible to be as dumb as one. This is fun! Are you seething in your cubicle?

Nobody got me into Wharton except myself and my own hard work and intelligence. No legacy. No donations. You're a fool, it's pathetic. My dad went to university of Kansas. And he isn't wealthy. I make more now as a 34 year old than he ever made in his career. And no I'm not a scientist and I either make more than you now or have far more earnings potential than your shit career will in sales. Man you really like to speculate just to make yourself feel better. Don't try to bet on the stock market. You suck at this.

Are you the same person on all of the Wharton posts? You might be, highly, intelligent, but you lack common sense. They are screwing with you. You are like the gorilla in the zoo. They keep slapping the glass, and you keep charging at them, only to, continually, run into the pane . Sales people are resilient. This may go on for a while.

Cheers, this is entertaining.

About 150 from OBU, 124 from value & access, heard about 150 from Gen Med (unverified) and external reports indicate 100 R&D cuts from ATO that were relocated to San Fran and MA... anyone hear differently?

Stones do not have brains, so, it is impossible to be as dumb as one. This is fun! Are you seething in your cubicle?

Umm, you understand that’s the whole point of the metaphor? It’s an inanimate object yet you’re as dumb as the object. That’s really dumb and it’s also a metaphor that is hundreds of years old. Sure you went to Wharton, I’m a space explorer!! And the Jayhawks are a bunch of cheaters, tell your old man he’s as dumb as a stump

No actually. Your degree specifies the specific education and field of study you have been awarded. As in my degree is a bachelor of science in economics with a concentration in finance from the Wharton school. That is the technical term. That's what you get. My diploma is the piece of paper that says exactly that. You're a fucking moron. Go back to community college. You're literally dumb as a stone.

OK, your writing skills are atrocious, and you’re a liar. Wharton is Penn’s business school and no one who earned an undergrad at Penn says they went to Wharton. You can’t even lie well, if you’re gonna try to pretend do at least a bit of homework. The moron sir, is you

OK, your writing skills are atrocious, and you’re a liar. Wharton is Penn’s business school and no one who earned an undergrad at Penn says they went to Wharton. You can’t even lie well, if you’re gonna try to pretend do at least a bit of homework. The moron sir, is you

Donald Trump of Amgen!

She blew her mind out in a car, didn’t notice that the lights had changed. Apparently a crowd of people stood and stared. They said if you knew her you should call her direct not post anonymously here
Chill! I like her! I know her from meetings. I wasn’t saying anything negative about her. I just thought someone could give me an honest answer if she was one of those laid off!

OK, your writing skills are atrocious, and you’re a liar. Wharton is Penn’s business school and no one who earned an undergrad at Penn says they went to Wharton. You can’t even lie well, if you’re gonna try to pretend do at least a bit of homework. The moron sir, is you

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.