Lay offs

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.

Who cares about "Wharton" ? Please do something impressive and then get back to us. Graduating is not a real accomplishment, you need to perform well at some type of actual work for a significant time period.
Graduating just means you had enough training, and have no excuse not to do well afterwards.

Who cares about "Wharton" ? Please do something impressive and then get back to us. Graduating is not a real accomplishment, you need to perform well at some type of actual work for a significant time period.
Graduating just means you had enough training, and have no excuse not to do well afterwards.

Lol go look at the tools facebook page One of his precious profile pics is of him with the Wharton school background what a fucking tool

The irony is this guy was making some incendiary comments all over the AMGEN forum and he actually believes he has the companies interest at heart? All it did was verify how fucking sick the home office is people hire like minded people so those that he reports to and if he has any direct reports all share his sentiment. Who the fuck would want to work here after you were so open with how you feel about your salesforce, the people you need to make sure you make money.

What a comeback! Sorry to inform you but I also have a science background. How would you know about my background? So jealous in here. It's sad. Most sales people I talk to don't know shit about science. They memorize things and if you really get into the deep science they get lost. This forum is a bunch of whiners and people looking to make themselves feel better. So damn pathetic. You literally just said "you don't have a science background " based on knowing absolutely nothing about me. You're a total loser man. If you're not already fired I hope you get canned. What a joke. Sad excuse.
Impudent idiot. You were exposed by a "loser" in sales. Go fuck yourself. It's too late to hide.

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.

Person who wrote this your assumptions were spot on his undergrad was not at UP, based on CH’s LinkedIn profile, he would not know the Greek lady because he took his courses online....

The irony is this guy was making some incendiary comments all over the AMGEN forum and he actually believes he has the companies interest at heart? All it did was verify how fucking sick the home office is people hire like minded people so those that he reports to and if he has any direct reports all share his sentiment. Who the fuck would want to work here after you were so open with how you feel about your salesforce, the people you need to make sure you make money.
You have to be an idiot to be exposed on an anonymous forum

Impudent idiot. You were exposed by a "loser" in sales. Go fuck yourself. It's too late to hide.

So you guys think you know who this babbling freak is? What BU and type of role (marketing, medical, etc?). This thread is getting interesting. Who would be dumb enough to include details that “out” themselves on CP?

The irony is this guy was making some incendiary comments all over the AMGEN forum and he actually believes he has the companies interest at heart? All it did was verify how fucking sick the home office is people hire like minded people so those that he reports to and if he has any direct reports all share his sentiment. Who the fuck would want to work here after you were so open with how you feel about your salesforce, the people you need to make sure you make money.
That mindset seems to be pervasive in the home office

So you guys think you know who this babbling freak is? What BU and type of role (marketing, medical, etc?). This thread is getting interesting. Who would be dumb enough to include details that “out” themselves on CP?

Assumption is Christopher Haro based on the fact he’s the only one on linkedin that works at home office Who’s not in sales to have a Science undergrad and mba from Wharton. As soon as it was pointed out to be him all the nasty shit talking stopped. Original post on page 2

Assumption is Christopher Haro based on the fact he’s the only one on linkedin that works at home office Who’s not in sales to have a Science undergrad and mba from Wharton. As soon as it was pointed out to be him all the nasty shit talking stopped. Original post on page 2

Haro Here. When I see you next week, I’m gonna kick the packed gay shit out of you soy boy!

This is the best thread of the year only because it exposes how incredibly arrogant some people are about things they have absolutely no clue about. The number of people here commenting about a university they never went to is hilarious. Yes, undergrads and MBA students mixed at Wharton. Same tests. Same homework groups. Same classes. None of you know because none of you went there. And I doubt that guy is Chris haro because he said he's an undergrad. This thread is pretty funny though. A guy says he went to a school and apparently you all seem to know he didn't based on....nothing? Everything he has said seems accurate

That mindset seems to be pervasive in the home office

And the pervasive mindset in sales is that management and everyone else sucks and we are the best salespeople if only you gave us good drugs and a good launch. No accountability from anyone in sales for failed programs. It's always the home offices fault. That's all I ever hear. Seems to be a trend that you can't sell anything

And the pervasive mindset in sales is that management and everyone else sucks and we are the best salespeople if only you gave us good drugs and a good launch. No accountability from anyone in sales for failed programs. It's always the home offices fault. That's all I ever hear. Seems to be a trend that you can't sell anything
Welcome back, loser.