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Lay-off worthless DBMs first

Lay-off all DBMs and RSTs

Can we agree DBMs and RSTs bring 0 value? Overpaid baby sitters that won’t just let us do our jobs. Lay-off DBMs, hire regional admins. If anyone actually has a DBM that brings anything to the table I’d be surprised. We are the ones selling on the streets going through the daily grind. What are they doing to drive business? Get rid of them cut their salaries and have more people selling. Doesn’t this make sense?


Can we agree DBMs and RSTs bring 0 value? Overpaid baby sitters that won’t just let us do our jobs. Lay-off DBMs, hire regional admins. If anyone actually has a DBM that brings anything to the table I’d be surprised. We are the ones selling on the streets going through the daily grind. What are they doing to drive business? Get rid of them cut their salaries and have more people selling. Doesn’t this make sense?

Wow...you’re a genius. Do you have any other brilliant ideas?

Yes. Most not only collect inflated paychecks, but then double down by coming up with ways to show their bosses they are “bringing value” to try to justify their unnecessary salary, which serves to do nothing but give reps extra busy work and get in the way of actually selling product. It’s amazing this DM/RM system hasn’t been blown up a long time ago. Reduce the middle management to a couple per region who actually know the products really well and can serve as effective coaches, as well as do admin- easiest way to immediately save Takeda millions of dollars and actually improve sales. Take that money and give additional sales resources to reps- promo, samples, etc. It’s a no brainer

Yes. Most not only collect inflated paychecks, but then double down by coming up with ways to show their bosses they are “bringing value” to try to justify their unnecessary salary, which serves to do nothing but give reps extra busy work and get in the way of actually selling product. It’s amazing this DM/RM system hasn’t been blown up a long time ago. Reduce the middle management to a couple per region who actually know the products really well and can serve as effective coaches, as well as do admin- easiest way to immediately save Takeda millions of dollars and actually improve sales. Take that money and give additional sales resources to reps- promo, samples, etc. It’s a no brainer

Yes. Most not only collect inflated paychecks, but then double down by coming up with ways to show their bosses they are “bringing value” to try to justify their unnecessary salary, which serves to do nothing but give reps extra busy work and get in the way of actually selling product. It’s amazing this DM/RM system hasn’t been blown up a long time ago. Reduce the middle management to a couple per region who actually know the products really well and can serve as effective coaches, as well as do admin- easiest way to immediately save Takeda millions of dollars and actually improve sales. Take that money and give additional sales resources to reps- promo, samples, etc. It’s a no brainer

You got the no brainer part right...in that it takes someone with no brain to come up with such a stupid idea. You have no idea what DM’s do but I’ll give you a hint. It’s not about coaching. It’s about risk management. See if you can figure it out champ...

That makes a lot of sense. Most managers offer nothing, but are quick to put salespeople on PIPs and hire new, in hopes of getting the newest phenom who will elevate their numbers - and over and over again. Any one can do that - ANYONE! Get out in the field and make something happen by actually contributing to the sale, going after business on your own, getting drug on formulary for your rep, push up shirtsleeves and show rep how you would get business. (Won't happen - too much work )

You got the no brainer part right...in that it takes someone with no brain to come up with such a stupid idea. You have no idea what DM’s do but I’ll give you a hint. It’s not about coaching. It’s about risk management. See if you can figure it out champ...

Ok...so school us. What is it that they do that is so valuable? And if you answer that question, then here's my follow up...does the rep/DBM ratio need to be so small? Why can't a DBM manage 20 people?

There are probably 30 out of 100 DBMs that are worth a damn. Our teams DBM is actually good, Not great but good. In our entire region there are only 2 that I even respect. That’s not saying much.

Can we agree DBMs and RSTs bring 0 value? Overpaid baby sitters that won’t just let us do our jobs. Lay-off DBMs, hire regional admins. If anyone actually has a DBM that brings anything to the table I’d be surprised. We are the ones selling on the streets going through the daily grind. What are they doing to drive business? Get rid of them cut their salaries and have more people selling. Doesn’t this make sense?
Well don't you worry now little fella. From what I am hearing there will be plenty lay offs to go around. 52 to 55% of total field sales team (both companies) will be severed and 45% of home office peeps. Good luck everyone. It a gonna be a wild wild ride. That's why I haven't woked for the past few months. Why bust me bottom when I don't know if I'll even be working here in 4 months.

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