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% of sales force lay-off

Grabbing my popcorn and enjoying this thread of what if’s ...

U could at least incorporate the new business model and what it looks like when throwing out speculation !!

Come on !

Neuro division - depression adhd
Opth - Opth
General med - all other gout , dexilant etc

All are to be operated as separate divisions ?

Speculate away ..... grabbing some butter for my popcorn now

I’m just hoping everyone is off when doing this speculating , or probably not even employees because you should out there for our patients, unless on vacation like myself

I’m barely working. Nothing anyone does at this point matters if you have a job or not going forward as long as you don’t get a warning letter. And if your manager was a big enough ass in the past year or 2 to give you a warning letter knowing this was coming you’re gone anyways.

Steve Schaffer said that we would have a primary care sales force. There’s no real separation needed for specialty to be divided from PC especially in GI or Nuero. Those are 2 very easy disease states that someone hired from enterprise could learn.

I don’t have a prediction l, and nobody really knows for sure except for people above the RBD level right now anyways.

Grabbing my popcorn and enjoying this thread of what if’s ...

U could at least incorporate the new business model and what it looks like when throwing out speculation !!

Come on !

Neuro division - depression adhd
Opth - Opth
General med - all other gout , dexilant etc

All are to be operated as separate divisions ?

Speculate away ..... grabbing some butter for my popcorn now

I’m just hoping everyone is off when doing this speculating , or probably not even employees because you should out there for our patients, unless on vacation like myself

I hope you don’t hit your halo when you stand up... jerk

It’s specific for the Arkansas reps.

They monitor address changes, time stamp call activity, marketing order pieces, miles/gas fill up on company car, iPad pings, download of new sales data reports, and the lunch and learn budgets

It’s specific for the Arkansas reps.

They monitor address changes, time stamp call activity, marketing order pieces, miles/gas fill up on company car, iPad pings, download of new sales data reports, and the lunch and learn budgets

....cell phone calls on you cell, sample ordering/inventory, list goes on

I heard cuts will be heavily weighted to be from Takeda. I have to laugh when we are told to remember that we are buying Shire and it's not the other way around because everyone knows that in Japan they viewed us as getting ourselves into this mess and want Shire leadership to take over. We have no pipeline and their's is robust. We dropped the ball and they are solid. Believe me, most cuts will come from our side not shire.
There is no longer a Takeda side or a Shire side, we are all one big shitpile, Cuts will hit hard on all sides. Fuck to us all.

You realize with the deal Shire drafted with the buyout, it will be a lot cheaper to fire Takeda employees opposed to shire employees. The severance deal that Takeda has to pay to layed off shire employees is fantastic. Most shire employees want the severance. It’s about a years salary depending on tenure.

You realize with the deal Shire drafted with the buyout, it will be a lot cheaper to fire Takeda employees opposed to shire employees. The severance deal that Takeda has to pay to layed off shire employees is fantastic. Most shire employees want the severance. It’s about a years salary depending on tenure.

Aim for the severance

I’ve posted before. It’s going to be right around 20% sales cuts.

Unfortunately the sales force never has any idea what goes into the decision making.

Anyone on plan/warning letter gone
Bad 9 box placement gone
Takeda NSS good
Takeda GI good
Shire rare disease good

The big question is shire vs Takeda PC reps.

Anyone can sell a NSS drug. There’s not much actual “specialty” to it. It’s going to be filled primarily by good standing Takeda reps and then shire reps will be sprinkled in as needed.

Filling and restructure and management alignment is going to be interesting.

This is a very accurate post. Any thoughts of when this is going to happen?

You realize with the deal Shire drafted with the buyout, it will be a lot cheaper to fire Takeda employees opposed to shire employees. The severance deal that Takeda has to pay to layed off shire employees is fantastic. Most shire employees want the severance. It’s about a years salary depending on tenure.

While this is true-our severance should be nice at Shire-my understanding is that Shire reps have higher salaries. So in the long run it may be cheaper for them to cut Shire. Either way, it’s all speculation and we won’t know until it happens

Obviously between April and June, most likely beginning April.

Let's use some critical thinking. We know that once the ink is semi-dry on the contracts, the proverbial ball is going to roll with lightening speed. New territory lines have been drawn; reps picked and poised for planting in those newly designed foot prints; training classes ready to roll.

My guess February-March "training"; end of March-first week in April National Sales meeting. Just a WAG OK?? However if I was a betting person, I'd lay my newly minted silver coins on that prediction.

Let's use some critical thinking. We know that once the ink is semi-dry on the contracts, the proverbial ball is going to roll with lightening speed. New territory lines have been drawn; reps picked and poised for planting in those newly designed foot prints; training classes ready to roll.

My guess February-March "training"; end of March-first week in April National Sales meeting. Just a WAG OK?? However if I was a betting person, I'd lay my newly minted silver coins on that prediction.

It will be end of March beginning of April just like the last one. They will finish out the Cressset year. But it will be some before NSM and use NSM to bring everyone together for first time.