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1-800 LAY-ME-OFF

Yes they will. When they announce the restructure/realignment this August, they will use that as an opportunity to trim the sales force to meet the current territory and bag mix demand. I would say probability at this point is 85% that a RIF will occur for field sales. HDQ has already gotten skinny, you can bet it will affect field sales as well. Good luck to all.

Fall layoffs are coming for sure. Not enough products to sell. Company continues cost cutting measures with TIP elimination, and will do whatever is necessary to achieve our newly stated goals of doubling our sales/profit in 5 years, even if it means layoffs. Don't be a fool and think they won't.

Anybody feeling the hotline bling?

If you don't know by now, you aren't paying attention! THERE WILL BE LAYOFFS PEOPLE!!!!!

Just look around you and count the number of people vs the number of products. They are lining us up to face the firing squad so don't believe the lies and prepare yourself now.

Well let's focus on what we know. Uloric is going generic in 2019; that's a little over 2 years. THAT's when the we pick up our toys and go home, unless a bigger toy box has been bought, naturally for new toys..

You can bet the hotline will be BLING-ING, and Ramona will be singing! I used to call you on your cell phone....Late night when you need my....YOUR FIRED!!!

I know when that hotline bling...that can only mean one thing.....!!! Looking for a new job, oh yeahhhh!!

Spouse: Honey, it's someone named Ramona!!! She wants to talk with you briefly!

Spouse again: Honey, did you hear me? It's Ramona!!!!

Takeda Rep: Tell her I'm in the shower!!

Spouse: She said it can't wait!!

Takeda Rep: DAMMIT!! I said tell her I'm in the bathroom!!

Spouse: She said to tell you that your FIRED!! She said a man is already in route to get our car, ipad, laptop, and other Takeda property. She also said there will be NO severance!!

Takeda Rep: What did you say??

Spouse: Honey, does this mean I have to go back to work at Starbucks? I thought you said the other day that Takeda has this "ism" thing where they are all like family, and that they would have your back!! What happened to that?? HONEY?? Are you listening to me??

Until you get rid of the management and most Takeda legacy reps the results will never change and they would even worse if you weren't paying docs $100,000 -$200,000 for baloney speaker programs

LOL I have no idea where you get that figure but u don;t know we have speakers max and no where close to that soooooo u full of it.

Spouse: Honey, it's someone named Ramona!!! She wants to talk with you briefly!

Spouse again: Honey, did you hear me? It's Ramona!!!!

Takeda Rep: Tell her I'm in the shower!!

Spouse: She said it can't wait!!

Takeda Rep: DAMMIT!! I said tell her I'm in the bathroom!!

Spouse: She said to tell you that your FIRED!! She said a man is already in route to get our car, ipad, laptop, and other Takeda property. She also said there will be NO severance!!

Takeda Rep: What did you say??

Spouse: Honey, does this mean I have to go back to work at Starbucks? I thought you said the other day that Takeda has this "ism" thing where they are all like family, and that they would have your back!! What happened to that?? HONEY?? Are you listening to me??

It's that time again...Bling Bling.....Ring Ring

Ohhhhh Yeeeeeaaaahhhhhh Broooootherrrr!!!!!! Let the layoffs begin!! :)

Spouse: Honey, it's someone named Ramona!!! She wants to talk with you briefly!

Spouse again: Honey, did you hear me? It's Ramona!!!!

Takeda Rep: Tell her I'm in the shower!!

Spouse: She said it can't wait!!

Takeda Rep: DAMMIT!! I said tell her I'm in the bathroom!!

Spouse: She said to tell you that your FIRED!! She said a man is already in route to get our car, ipad, laptop, and other Takeda property. She also said there will be NO severance!!

Takeda Rep: What did you say??

Spouse: Honey, does this mean I have to go back to work at Starbucks? I thought you said the other day that Takeda has this "ism" thing where they are all like family, and that they would have your back!! What happened to that?? HONEY?? Are you listening to me??

Ooooohhhhhhhhh Yeeeaahhhhh Broooooothhheerrrr, Let the layoffs begin!!!!!

Shire deal or not, don't be so sure we're out of the woods. A Takeda Primary Care Layoff could be already be planned after the acquisition. Stay tuned, and don't drink the Christophe Ramona KOOL-AID!!!

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