
For the DOJ to allow her to the point she is at now, yes I would say there is proof.

The exact opposite. It was the lack of evidence which persuaded the OIG to not take her case. The government is no more a party to her case than there is a party in Christina’s pants.

“Financial incentives often lead to opportunists realtor parties aggressively passing on speculative rumors or false public information. The reputation of innocent parties is unfairly damaged as a result”

Not until the court date approaches does the realtor begin to consider the consequences if they lie to the court. The person risks felony charges punishable by up to five years in jail for perjury and the possibility of being convicted of other crimes related to lying under oath. Further, the FCA has a reverse fee-shift for frivolous claims”

Look at how desperate you sound.
Quoting your google searches like your an attorney. And you can’t even seem to get that right.

The OIG investigates alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by DOJ employees and also audits and inspects DOJ programs.

in other words brainiac, I don’t even see where the OIG is not even involved. It’s the DOJ.
OIG has zero to do with this.

it’s not the exact opposite. The DOJ had the option to dismiss cases or allow them to continue and let the party prosecute the case themselves with their attorneys, which is what appears to be the case here.

secondly no one‘s going to make up the stuff that’s in that complaint. And from the exhibits in the complaint, there is a lot of proof and probably more Yet to be seen.
And from what I hear in Florida, your reputation has already made a name for it self back when you were with MDT buying your business and being a threatening bully there as well.

So I would say no one has damaged your reputation but you. and you just cause harm chaos and pain everywhere you go to others you work with. I hear there are many Affected by you.

You call her Christina like you know her?
From the outside looking in, it looks like you are the guilty one trying to backpedal your way out of your disastrous pattern of behavior.

Sounds like your the one trying to damage others. Accountability sucks and reality starting to set in for you.

Monica! Have you thought about what you are going to say to the physician's wives that you two smear queens have been falsely accusing? Trust me, you will see them in the falsely accused physician offices. How will that will go..... the families of the physicians are pretty heartbroken over your false allegations. They are very aware of your involvement in this. I don't think Christina is doing you any favors. When shes loses her lawsuits........ all she will have lost is money. She doesn't have a good reputation, so no loss there. But you still have to try to earn money so you can afford your beer and cigarettes. Even though you have a trashy reputation as a loudmouth know-nothing bully and gossip - the community knows this smear campaign is as much about you trying to get rid of your competition as it is Christina trying to make a fast buck.

Gaslighting is a malicious and hidden form of mental and emotional abuse.
Like all abuse, it's based on the need for power, control, or concealment. Some people occasionally lie or use denial to avoid taking responsibility.
gaslighting, actually refers to a deliberate pattern of manipulation calculated to make the victim trust the perpetrator, similar to brainwashing.

Monica! Have you thought about what you are going to say to the physician's wives that you two smear queens have been falsely accusing? Trust me, you will see them in the falsely accused physician offices. How will that will go..... the families of the physicians are pretty heartbroken over your false allegations. They are very aware of your involvement in this. I don't think Christina is doing you any favors. When shes loses her lawsuits........ all she will have lost is money. She doesn't have a good reputation, so no loss there. But you still have to try to earn money so you can afford your beer and cigarettes. Even though you have a trashy reputation as a loudmouth know-nothing bully and gossip - the community knows this smear campaign is as much about you trying to get rid of your competition as it is Christina trying to make a fast buck.

When are they getting rid of that guy!?
He’s exposed and so are his tactics
Lawsuits galore and the company still willing to pay for his mistakes?
Won’t be for long I’m sure of that