Launch Results

Yet Vimovo and Celebrex seem to get filled. We need to lower the cost to have a chance.

Price and copy are not the same thing. Lowest price helps get you coverage by the payers. That means no major PA issues like some other products. Yeah, copay is $25 and others a are a few bucks lower, but that's only an issue if patent walks away at the pharmacy. Patients don't shop copays side-by-side like they're in the toothpaste aisle at Target.

I just think this will take a little more time than they expected. Here in Ca I have done better than vimovo and duexius the last three weeks combined. Not as if that is any big accomplishment or enough to make anyone rich its a start. The only branded NSAID that is doing better than zorvolex is Celebrex. Just remember when mobic was launched it dragged for a few years and that was with to big phama companies pushing it (BI and ABBOTT). It was not until data/FDA pulled viox and bextra that mobic took off. The data and the zorvolex story jive.
We will be successful... We just need to be patient.

I just think this will take a little more time than they expected. Here in Ca I have done better than vimovo and duexius the last three weeks combined. Not as if that is any big accomplishment or enough to make anyone rich its a start. The only branded NSAID that is doing better than zorvolex is Celebrex. Just remember when mobic was launched it dragged for a few years and that was with to big phama companies pushing it (BI and ABBOTT). It was not until data/FDA pulled viox and bextra that mobic took off. The data and the zorvolex story jive.
We will be successful... We just need to be patient.

Perhaps, but we have absolutely no data showing the low doses are equal or better to their generic equivalent. Is Zorvolex equal in efficacy than generic diclofenac or other generic NSAIDS and safer? Until that data is available, here is no compelling reason to use Zorvolex.

Perhaps, but we have absolutely no data showing the low doses are equal or better to their generic equivalent. Is Zorvolex equal in efficacy than generic diclofenac or other generic NSAIDS and safer? Until that data is available, here is no compelling reason to use Zorvolex.

I guess all our reps and speakers are idiots then... Wake up

I guess all our reps and speakers are idiots then... Wake up

? Wake up?? What sort of response is that? Come on chief, let's here how you would accurately and compliantly answer the objection raised in the previous post? Fact is, we do not have data available to justify any assertions of lower dose equalling better safety outcomes. Sure, we can make the argument.... But this is the age of evidence based medicine! Will wait for your response

It is a simple question, show me that zorvolex is safe than generic diclofenac. If not what is the justification for paying a branded co-pay? Your speakers and experts are selling the message they have crafted by a guy in an office.

Went very well. They spent considerable time laying out the strategy and tools to drive business forward, help reps add value to their customers, proactively think outside the box and strategically target key customers responsive to Zorvolex. In other words, they ate and drank a lot!