Las Vegas - Coronavirus

I had me that there Coronavirus. It was like the flu. Now get your lazy, sum bitch arses back to work you good for nothing ingrates. Next thing you know you’ll want others to pay for your healthcare, college, debts, housing, food, childcare, etc......
This is the truth

“Something for nothing and the chicks for free!”

Here is a idea. Wash your hands and don’t play tonsil hockey with anyone at NSM and you will be fine.

Media is blowing this way out of proportion.

Like 35,000 people died last year of the regular flu.

I’m going live my life, certainly not out of fear.

35k died of the flu worldwide with a 0.1% fatality rate. In other words you are less fucking likely to die of the common influenza. Especially in this country. The WHO increase the fatality of the coronavirus to 3.4%. In other words covid-19 is 34 times MORE deadly. Is their medications for this new virus? No. Is there a vaccine yet? Exactly. Also people infected were shown to not develop an immunity. There are cases of people contracting it twice. This pandemic is not a joke. But if you think you’re healthy enough to fight something 34 times more deadly then by all means go.

35k died of the flu worldwide with a 0.1% fatality rate. In other words you are less fucking likely to die of the common influenza. Especially in this country. The WHO increase the fatality of the coronavirus to 3.4%. In other words covid-19 is 34 times MORE deadly. Is their medications for this new virus? No. Is there a vaccine yet? Exactly. Also people infected were shown to not develop an immunity. There are cases of people contracting it twice. This pandemic is not a joke. But if you think you’re healthy enough to fight something 34 times more deadly then by all means go.

Do you work for MSNBC as, while what you say is somewhat true, you omit some important facts such as;

That same WHO that you referenced reviewed, AND REJECTED the idea of this being a pandemic (as you erroneously stated)

In this country, just like the flu, the mortality rate will be exponentially lower than 3.4% because of our best in world healthcare.

The only truly at risk are those over 80 and severely immunocompromised.

there are nearly 300 compounds already in study, and 1 (per WHO) Remsedevir which shows incredible promise as a treatment (again thanks to American healthcare and an American Company)

As long as you are healthy and in the US, wash your hands and you will be fine. Settle down Sparky, I’m sure you still have all your end of world supplies you bought for SARS, MARS, etc....

Do you work for MSNBC as, while what you say is somewhat true, you omit some important facts such as;

That same WHO that you referenced reviewed, AND REJECTED the idea of this being a pandemic (as you erroneously stated)

In this country, just like the flu, the mortality rate will be exponentially lower than 3.4% because of our best in world healthcare.

The only truly at risk are those over 80 and severely immunocompromised.

there are nearly 300 compounds already in study, and 1 (per WHO) Remsedevir which shows incredible promise as a treatment (again thanks to American healthcare and an American Company)

As long as you are healthy and in the US, wash your hands and you will be fine. Settle down Sparky, I’m sure you still have all your end of world supplies you bought for SARS, MARS, etc....

Do you work for MSNBC as, while what you say is somewhat true, you omit some important facts such as;

That same WHO that you referenced reviewed, AND REJECTED the idea of this being a pandemic (as you erroneously stated)

In this country, just like the flu, the mortality rate will be exponentially lower than 3.4% because of our best in world healthcare.

The only truly at risk are those over 80 and severely immunocompromised.

there are nearly 300 compounds already in study, and 1 (per WHO) Remsedevir which shows incredible promise as a treatment (again thanks to American healthcare and an American Company)

As long as you are healthy and in the US, wash your hands and you will be fine. Settle down Sparky, I’m sure you still have all your end of world supplies you bought for SARS, MARS, etc....

Listen to yourself. Why were you so damn pumped to go to a national sales meeting? No one likes to go to those things. They’re the worst. Seriously what’s wrong with you?
You’re so selfish too. All you care about is how healthy YOU are and how You won’t die from it if you contract it and how only 80 year olds get it. And that’s not necessarily true either. Young and old have passed.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I prefer not to inadvertently contract it and accidentally pass it on to someone in my family like my older grandparents or someone who’s already battling something severe. I’m healthy. Probably healthier than your crazy ass but I’m at least thinking about others.

Do you work for MSNBC as, while what you say is somewhat true, you omit some important facts such as;

That same WHO that you referenced reviewed, AND REJECTED the idea of this being a pandemic (as you erroneously stated)

In this country, just like the flu, the mortality rate will be exponentially lower than 3.4% because of our best in world healthcare.

The only truly at risk are those over 80 and severely immunocompromised.

there are nearly 300 compounds already in study, and 1 (per WHO) Remsedevir which shows incredible promise as a treatment (again thanks to American healthcare and an American Company)

As long as you are healthy and in the US, wash your hands and you will be fine. Settle down Sparky, I’m sure you still have all your end of world supplies you bought for SARS, MARS, etc....

Biogen is out of the office now for two weeks because of three cases at home office. I sure hope Coronavirus doesn’t get you next. I will be praying for you. I only wish people health and prosperity. You probably have a lot of bad stuff already coming to you in your own making.

Biogen is out of the office now for two weeks because of three cases at home office. I sure hope Coronavirus doesn’t get you next. I will be praying for you. I only wish people health and prosperity. You probably have a lot of bad stuff already coming to you in your own making.
Me Chinese, Me play joke, turn a cold into crazy fear for bloke’s.

We had a Pharma meeting a couple of years ago at a hotel where 75% of employees came home with the flu.
Main reasons:

No hot water in the bathrooms for hand washing
No sanitizer at Buffet lines
Elevator usage
Forced Sitting at tables with sick people
Unknowingly touching unclean places

Best of luck to everyone.
I hope you all have amazing immune systems.

We had a Pharma meeting a couple of years ago at a hotel where 75% of employees came home with the flu.
Main reasons:

No hot water in the bathrooms for hand washing
No sanitizer at Buffet lines
Elevator usage
Forced Sitting at tables with sick people
Unknowingly touching unclean places

Best of luck to everyone.
I hope you all have amazing immune systems.

We had a Pharma meeting a couple of years ago at a hotel where 75% of employees came home with the flu.
Main reasons:

No hot water in the bathrooms for hand washing
No sanitizer at Buffet lines
Elevator usage
Forced Sitting at tables with sick people
Unknowingly touching unclean places

Best of luck to everyone.
I hope you all have amazing immune systems.

I’m guessing a shire meeting 3 years ago,
Good ole swan and dolphin hotel

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