Behavior at Las Vegas Meeting:

Dead on comment! I was part of the last layoff. Take any "reasonable" offer, as you can still look for a position somewhere else. Companies will not state publicly that they will not hire someone who is unemployed but the practice exists-Big Time!

I have to say for the record. I never realized how good I had it in the industry. The money, time off, car, corporate incentives, free meals and job flexibility. It is a good gig when it is going right.

former new jersey rep------this used to be a great place to work at national meetings before 9/11 coke, good body bag herb it was everywhere -- ask some of your current dm's in nj and philly about the parties in nashville and the two trips to japan meeting on day one and day seven the rest was just sex drugs and more sex drugs and rock and roll things change sorry to hear that doug cole runs the show he was a dick/ moron 15 years ago i am sure he is even more of one now

former new jersey rep------this used to be a great place to work at national meetings before 9/11 coke, good body bag herb it was everywhere -- ask some of your current dm's in nj and philly about the parties in nashville and the two trips to japan meeting on day one and day seven the rest was just sex drugs and more sex drugs and rock and roll things change sorry to hear that doug cole runs the show he was a dick/ moron 15 years ago i am sure he is even more of one now

that is the truth are you the _______ ?

YOU PUSSY! I too was spared again this layoff, but like most of us I know that the really big cut will be coming in 6 months. They wanted to keep enough of us to continue to instill fear in us so that we will work 9 hour days to detail all we can on the products before actos goes generic. Even if alo gets approved, there will still be cuts much more massive than last week.

I will not cheer or clap. My silence will speak volumes. I want them to know they can not continue to treat me like a little child and tell me to do high volume calls and hit metrics that make no sense. Treat me like and adult and a sales professional. Tell me the number you want me to hit and let me get it from the doctors in the fashion I choose. TRUST me. My God, you pay me enough.

Therefore, I will not clap or cheer at the meeting. I will be courteous and engaged, but I will let my silence in general sessions speak for me.

I'm in. No clapping, cheering... Just silencce from me.

The NSM....what a joke. How can anyone cheer after what this company has put its sales force these past couple of years. I will be in my room, enjoy the lies for those who attend general session.
Yeah I'll be in my room too. And jerking off I might add in response to all the lying SOBs at our company.

I'm IN!! I will not clap or cheer. Just be silent during all general sessions. That's what you get when you have business attire role play certifications, call volume targets and esig. Management needs to hear silence. That's the only way things will change!!

I’m one of those reps that were FIRED for no apparent reason other than bad management. Thanks to those who will take a stand at the general session and will not clap or cheer!

Fuck Takeda, Ive been interviewing for the past 5 months. And still employed with Takeda. Good thing this Bard device sales job looks like its going to work out. I will be headed to vegas for a few days but mostly to wait it out till the new job starts

Point is - it is a difficult job market right now. Employed individuals are more sought after (lame as it is). We lost some great people and it sucks that this will hurt them.

My advice is not to take time off, but to be as aggressive, persistent and confident as possible to land the next job. Hop on as well. Really worth it.

GL all. And sorry I cant spell.

Hey Leadership Team. Here is an idea. To start the general session why don't all of you all come out and give the audience a standing ovation. It will save you the embarrassing forced and faked standing ovation moment and maybe even get the meeting off to a decent start.

Hey Leadership Team. Here is an idea. To start the general session why don't all of you all come out and give the audience a standing ovation. It will save you the embarrassing forced and faked standing ovation moment and maybe even get the meeting off to a decent start.

What a great idea-they should also be up front and lets us know what type of bonus they received in 2011.

Fuck Takeda, Ive been interviewing for the past 5 months. And still employed with Takeda. Good thing this Bard device sales job looks like its going to work out. I will be headed to vegas for a few days but mostly to wait it out till the new job starts

Point is - it is a difficult job market right now. Employed individuals are more sought after (lame as it is). We lost some great people and it sucks that this will hurt them.

My advice is not to take time off, but to be as aggressive, persistent and confident as possible to land the next job. Hop on as well. Really worth it.

GL all. And sorry I cant spell.

My recruiter let me know about a position for Bard (med device) as well, but know this, it is a no nonsense company. You don't perform/produce in 3 months they say goodbye. But they reward you for what sales people do, sell. I hope it works out well for you.

My recruiter let me know about a position for Bard (med device) as well, but know this, it is a no nonsense company. You don't perform/produce in 3 months they say goodbye. But they reward you for what sales people do, sell. I hope it works out well for you.

This is true. Surgical supply companies are churn and burn operations. You don't produce in three months, you are gone.

You all don't have the balls to be silent or turn your backs or not clap. It will not happen. You will be the lemmings you always are and act like idiots. Also, your training department has no idea how to train people. Fact.

You all don't have the balls to be silent or turn your backs or not clap. It will not happen. You will be the lemmings you always are and act like idiots. Also, your training department has no idea how to train people. Fact.

This is true. I sat through the first FLM in Las Vegas after the 2010 RIF. After that blood bath, the last thing I expected to see was cheering or standing ovations. Lo and behold, out walks Doug and everybody jumps to their feet to applaud his lame ass. I sat through the entire mess and did not clap. I was disgusted that my peers behaved like little sheep. Afterward my RSD pulled me aside and read me the riot act for not being "on board." Well she just got laid off last week and I was retained. I wonder if she is still feeling "on board."

I am on my way out to this shit show in Las Vegas. I guarantee that with few exceptions, everyone will clap and cheer for our fearless leaders. You watch.

This is true. I sat through the first FLM in Las Vegas after the 2010 RIF. After that blood bath, the last thing I expected to see was cheering or standing ovations. Lo and behold, out walks Doug and everybody jumps to their feet to applaud his lame ass. I sat through the entire mess and did not clap. I was disgusted that my peers behaved like little sheep. Afterward my RSD pulled me aside and read me the riot act for not being "on board." Well she just got laid off last week and I was retained. I wonder if she is still feeling "on board."

I am on my way out to this shit show in Las Vegas. I guarantee that with few exceptions, everyone will clap and cheer for our fearless leaders. You watch.

I won't. Fuck Them!! These arrogant assholes have run this company into the ground.

Don't be stupid and get your game face the game...drink the coolaid...think of it as interviewing practice....this is from someone who wasn't retained and had high rankings...Takeda has been managing reduction....Doug and Robin are laughing to the Bank.. if you think they executives would do the same thing....

What a bunch of self-entitled infants you all sound like. You make it sound like Takeda is the only pharma company going through this. Be happy you have a job and get a free trip to Vegas to see your friends. If you hate it so much then leave. I'm sure there would be a long line of people recently let go to fill your spot.

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