Lab Solutions Did they get shut down or raided by FBI ??

Does anything happen to other people that are related and invested in the company? They should also go down because they profited and stole from Medicare from this scheme. I hope they are investigating them also but because they got all the big fishes probably won't bother with the minions.

You would have to prove they knew that the lab was doing illegal things which is much more difficult. What type of people are you referring to? Employees who work in the lab or what? If I was an investors I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted to be invested in anything illegal nor would most people so I would bet if there were investors they were never told.

Yeah what people are you referring to?
The reason the owner is indicted is because he is ultimately responsible for all the activities at his business.

I believe that our friend is referring to all the crooked sales reps who facilitated the kick backs, fraudulent billing, and unnecessary testing and got paid the big bucks.
And, yes the feds will get to them as well. If you are a sales rep who got paid a lot from this scam be ready for your subpoena because it is coming. If six months or a year goes by do not fall into a sense of security because our friends in the government do not work fast. If you made a ridiculous sum your subpoena is coming. Heres to many sleepless nights wondering if the following day will be that day.

I believe that our friend is referring to all the crooked sales reps who facilitated the kick backs, fraudulent billing, and unnecessary testing and got paid the big bucks.
And, yes the feds will get to them as well. If you are a sales rep who got paid a lot from this scam be ready for your subpoena because it is coming. If six months or a year goes by do not fall into a sense of security because our friends in the government do not work fast. If you made a ridiculous sum your subpoena is coming. Heres to many sleepless nights wondering if the following day will be that day.

also conspiring docs mid level providers nursing home owners patient recruiters and marketers. anyone else who got paid 1099 is sure to be in the dragnet civil damages will be the worst part for some

I believe that our friend is referring to all the crooked sales reps who facilitated the kick backs, fraudulent billing, and unnecessary testing and got paid the big bucks.
And, yes the feds will get to them as well. If you are a sales rep who got paid a lot from this scam be ready for your subpoena because it is coming. If six months or a year goes by do not fall into a sense of security because our friends in the government do not work fast. If you made a ridiculous sum your subpoena is coming. Heres to many sleepless nights wondering if the following day will be that day.

Being a sales rep isn’t illegal and not all sales reps are unethical.

Being a sales rep isn’t illegal and not all sales reps are unethical.

No that's true but being a 1099 sales rep and, or being a patient recruiter using a telemedicine doc or pa to get to an elderly patient who doesn't need the test and getting a commission based on how many you push through with their Medicare card is.

Glad This nightmare is over for the legitimate individuals who came to that nepotism filled, favorites, spying eye cameras, personal emotion filled, ineptly ran, scam bag of a company thinking that it was a real place of employment. They have lawsuits from individuals that invested in this genetic testing scheme, that they didn't pay in Fulton County, repeatedly going to court with altered documents. Telling, they billed Medicare/Medicaid $494 Million and then cut out their investors. Owner, CFO, CEO, have a long road of sleepless nights, the Feds want that money back.

Glad This nightmare is over for the legitimate individuals who came to that nepotism filled, favorites, spying eye cameras, personal emotion filled, ineptly ran, scam bag of a company thinking that it was a real place of employment. They have lawsuits from individuals that invested in this genetic testing scheme, that they didn't pay in Fulton County, repeatedly going to court with altered documents. Telling, they billed Medicare/Medicaid $494 Million and then cut out their investors. Owner, CFO, CEO, have a long road of sleepless nights, the Feds want that money back.

They may get some but they will not get a lot of it.

I believe that our friend is referring to all the crooked sales reps who facilitated the kick backs, fraudulent billing, and unnecessary testing and got paid the big bucks.
And, yes the feds will get to them as well. If you are a sales rep who got paid a lot from this scam be ready for your subpoena because it is coming. If six months or a year goes by do not fall into a sense of security because our friends in the government do not work fast. If you made a ridiculous sum your subpoena is coming. Heres to many sleepless nights wondering if the following day will be that day.

I don't see much activity lately on the case. I hope they don't give him a plea deal. Those guys need to do hard time. I hate when people take advantage of the elder and stealing from my tax dollars.