Lab Solutions Did they get shut down or raided by FBI ??

This is all just the tip of the surface. Some of those listed in Friday's article got very little sleep this weekend knowing that those "shell" companies you hide under is just a matter of time (New Orleans fo one, theres plenty to follow on that one). Also heard about Superior Genetics and some clown who was already involved with scams is supposedly running that platform. You know who you are and I know you are trolling this to see if anyone is calling you all out. I would suggest giving it up and save you some time in orange.

Look, i said it before n will again...everything has scam potential or is scamming. Case in point, psych hospital...dr says patient needs to stay and we rights it up...based on his diahkosis he stays in hospital. Who benefits The DR

Predictions on what is going to happen to Patel?

if has deep pockets, and can pay lawyers, he may get off with heavy fines and no jail.
the fines will destroy him financially though, and they will investigate tirelessly to be sure he has not hidden anything to pull when all of this is done.
a bankruptcy, either with his lab or personally will only complicate his future financial woes.
for all practical purposes, life as he has known it is over.

Patel charged and arrested in a 164 million dollar fraud case!!!!! WTF, 164 million. wow. look out distributors and everyone at Lab Solutions, time to run and hide if it’s not too late.

It’s already too late. They have already cut the head off of the snake (Minal). And now I know why the CFO micromanaged the heck out of everybody. Trying to make sure the wrong things are not said. I knew if was something going on within the company.

It’s already too late. They have already cut the head off of the snake (Minal). And now I know why the CFO micromanaged the heck out of everybody. Trying to make sure the wrong things are not said. I knew if was something going on within the company.
lol Sonal is really not saying nothing anymore. She know shes next. Everything is Karma. All that money they stold... they should be ashamed for hiring people knowing damn well they were doing criminal activity. LAWSUITS COMING RIGHT UP. STRAIGHT NEGLIGENCE AND WRONGFULL TERMINATION. THIS IS NO ONES FAULT BUT THEIR OWN!

lol Sonal is really not saying nothing anymore. She know shes next. Everything is Karma. All that money they stold... they should be ashamed for hiring people knowing damn well they were doing criminal activity. LAWSUITS COMING RIGHT UP. STRAIGHT NEGLIGENCE AND WRONGFULL TERMINATION. THIS IS NO ONES FAULT BUT THEIR OWN!

She is terrible!!! I guess she will be yelling at the big house with her brother. We will see soon enough.

lol Sonal is really not saying nothing anymore. She know shes next. Everything is Karma. All that money they stold... they should be ashamed for hiring people knowing damn well they were doing criminal activity. LAWSUITS COMING RIGHT UP. STRAIGHT NEGLIGENCE AND WRONGFULL TERMINATION. THIS IS NO ONES FAULT BUT THEIR OWN!

I assume you are still working there. They can’t be open for too much longer with their biggest payer off the team. Do you plan to file a lawsuit?

It's terrible what they did to those seniors. Probably some of them scared half to death just to do the unnecessary test. I hope the feds go after all the bums and investigate the investors the officers(CFO COO Treasurer Secretary etc) of the company. They should all do time. They knew what they were doing was wrong and stealing from the government. Clowns like them makes health care cost rise for no reason. I bet they all living a rich and fabulous life. If Minal Patel had $30 million in the bank image what the others have and how much he and others hid away. Go after them hard and make an example out of them. Picking on poor seniors to get rich rot in hell a holes(s).

It's terrible what they did to those seniors. Probably some of them scared half to death just to do the unnecessary test. I hope the feds go after all the bums and investigate the investors the officers(CFO COO Treasurer Secretary etc) of the company. They should all do time. They knew what they were doing was wrong and stealing from the government. Clowns like them makes health care cost rise for no reason. I bet they all living a rich and fabulous life. If Minal Patel had $30 million in the bank image what the others have and how much he and others hid away. Go after them hard and make an example out of them. Picking on poor seniors to get rich rot in hell a holes(s).

What if the owner and management didn’t have knowledge and it was the shady reps/telemarketers?

Response to #36 are you serious. Look Yup the %conviction rate once the federal government indicts anyone they don't just hand out indictments just for the hell of it. It's over 95% conviction rate. Wow you must be one of the people related to the owner to make such a poor choice of assumption.

Response to #36 are you serious. Look Yup the %conviction rate once the federal government indicts anyone they don't just hand out indictments just for the hell of it. It's over 95% conviction rate. Wow you must be one of the people related to the owner to make such a poor choice of assumption.

sorry, I am the poster and I asked it without putting much thoughts into it. I guess there are such things as dumb questions.