Kyle Tattle & Associates

We simply need a clear out. All of these useless middle age men that are about as innovative and strategic as an earthworm. Get in some new exciting, engaging talent. We cannot survive with this group of no hopers. They can all take a very attractive profile pic for LinkedIn . Dorthe gone, now Noora next then some of the political MDs like Peters, then some engaging region people hired. Can’t recall a time when region help us since Jans team was here.

We simply need a clear out. All of these useless middle age men that are about as innovative and strategic as an earthworm. Get in some new exciting, engaging talent. We cannot survive with this group of no hopers. They can all take a very attractive profile pic for LinkedIn . Dorthe gone, now Noora next then some of the political MDs like Peters, then some engaging region people hired. Can’t recall a time when region help us since Jans team was here.

so love Jan. makes us always feel valued and is tough but always fair to us. I can’t wait t for travel to begin again and I hope he travel for country reviews to us. Jan is the best. Very people orientated person

This is forum is such a wonderful discovery. Many of us in JPAC have been talking about this and finally instead the voice survey we can share real concerns. We only want change that brings us some hope back. Will they listen Noora? Time for hiding away under the bush is gone. We have voices and want action.
Dorthe in every review delegated control to Jaulia. Noora in every meeting and doesn’t understand a thing. Useless reviews and waste everyone time. At least Dortha is gone. All fake KPI they want to hear. Fake aspiration. Then leave meeting with no support. Joke people

Look now, Kyle went to Japan and they finally got rid of Dorthe. It’s already better for us in AP. We have to be strong in talking up to our MDs who will speak up for us if they are real leads. Past few years people gave up speaking but now we have the duty to speak up.

push MDs to be leaders. I work with Vincent and he is trying. I could see he feared Dorthe but tried to lead. MD fall into 3 group here.
1. Sucker like Indoneisa and Korea MD who manage there boss and won’t care about people
2. Scared MD like HK and Vietnam who nice but fearing
3. Gave up MD like Philippine and Tbgailand

good ones like Aus already leave company

I was on STEM before covid stopped travel and met Noora. Super insincere. She just wanted to act like she cared about female talent but she didn’t at all. Why women leaders get up there and stop caring ?

I worked with Kyle in the JV with Merck and Schering. He was a tool then and is still now. He destroyed the morale and people of MSD Switzerland but the incompetent Adam Schecter made sure he was promoted. This company sucks and will always until they get rid of the good ole boys network, these diversity targets with females and blacks and get back to science. I’m retired now but sit on the sidelines and see the demise of Merck.

I worked with Kyle in the JV with Merck and Schering. He was a tool then and is still now. He destroyed the morale and people of MSD Switzerland but the incompetent Adam Schecter made sure he was promoted. This company sucks and will always until they get rid of the good ole boys network, these diversity targets with females and blacks and get back to science. I’m retired now but sit on the sidelines and see the demise of Merck.


I worked with him also during the JV and also his utter misunderstanding of the Anaesthesia business. Truly incompetent yet was given chance after chance. Moved around like many of these networkers have happen to them before it gets too hot.

Anaesthesia was ten percent of what it is now with him at the helm and no aspiration. Switzerland was killed under him, APAC was a dark cloud from what I understand with him in charge of oncology and now he gets the Japan gig??? How the hell can this keep happening. We have to blame the culture of “boys club” here at Merck. Brian woolhouse and Kyle Tattle the tall Canadian useless douches. Send them back

also Kyle must have tried to sleep with at least triple figures of women he tries impress.

Kyle Tattle is the Merck version of Groot… but much less charismatic

Wonder what his wife thinks of him? If she stayed around after all the “complaints” he received

Noora??? Would you regard oneself as a people person? HR? Human Remains!!!

I like my country HR lead. But our regional one is a bit slow. Didn’t hear her add value to any country visit

Working closely with Noora for about 12 months I can confirm she is a narcissist. She gives little thought about people but very keen on celebrating her own brand

she loves to casually show her designer and luxury items, jewellery, clothes, watches. So out of touch with our regions needs and concerns. Total moron. She got a pet naked cat again just to act like a luxury high so Singaporean. She is not one of us. She will never be, and I’m sure she will leave before the lack of HR progress is picked up

Yes to all comment. It has indeed been a challenging past 3 year for our teams in Asia. I personally have felt disconnected from this company after constant no sense aspiration, countless worthless KPI, non stopping presentations where nobody really listens and the loss of many many amazing people only to be left with the useless ones. Asia was the best place to be but we lost the soul now. Loyalty should be earn by effort both ways. Bosses and us. This is the worst I have seen the region in 12 years being here. When will compassion return to our region?

We should be ashamed in this region. We had a senior Finance member sexually harass staff and HR managed him nicely out to Organon. Time after time HR let things go. We also had our old BUD for vaccine behave inappropriately and we eased him out nicely also in Korea. HR should be ashamed

We should be ashamed in this region. We had a senior Finance member sexually harass staff and HR managed him nicely out to Organon. Time after time HR let things go. We also had our old BUD for vaccine behave inappropriately and we eased him out nicely also in Korea. HR should be ashamed

rightly said. FD was protected by MD and the link was very obvious. Kyle will become the onco president and all his cronies will be protected.
Someone in the region should do a favour and share the link with the CEO, HR and legal. Put the fear of god in senior leaders that inaction will invite the wrath of gods.