Kickoff meeting 2022

Yup, and 5 days listening to BS rah rah talk will lead to monumental sales increases right? Total waste of time and money by a company that is showing it doesn't care about the employees, because if it did it wouldn't pressure them to attend against their will for health reasons!
WE ARE A PROFIT BASED BUSINESS! STOP the whining! Don’t want to attend? Don’t! Your Fate is Your Own! Many Reps out there Eager to take Your Place! No Shut Up and Go Deliver some donuts.

WE ARE A PROFIT BASED BUSINESS! STOP the whining! Don’t want to attend? Don’t! Your Fate is Your Own! Many Reps out there Eager to take Your Place! No Shut Up and Go Deliver some donuts.
Please explain how we can cover everything we need to via Zoom, and have proven that over last 2 years but you need to endanger all your employees AND their families by 5 days of super spreading to get the same message, but THAT will make a difference? What a tool

Funny thing, forcing sales force against their will to attend which ruins loyalty, but then they will have team building event. You want a team building event? Don't question an individual's decision to do what's best for their health! Will you do the RIGHT THING JAZZ???

It sounds like someone has drank the Collectivist Cool Aid. If you’ve already had the virus there isn’t much danger to you or the community. If you do a risk benefit analysis it may not make sense for you to get the vaccine. I don’t see anything political about this. If you think it is political, you probably watch too much TV

Lets go back to science and facts, shall we? There is very little data on how long or effective your antibodies are after infection - there are folks that have gotten COVID twice. Data indicates that individual antibody production is highly variable. And the resistance to the vaccine is rooted in political ideology, don't be naïve.

Lets go back to science and facts, shall we? There is very little data on how long or effective your antibodies are after infection - there are folks that have gotten COVID twice. Data indicates that individual antibody production is highly variable. And the resistance to the vaccine is rooted in political ideology, don't be naïve.
I don’t know why you have to keep bringing politics back into this. For me it has nothing to do about politics. Please explain your view and which side you follow

Because the FACTS and DATA tells there is a distinct and significant difference in vaccination rate and hospitalization rates between Blue and Red areas. Look at the polls - Republicans and conservative media outlets have led the way on disinformation on this matter - masks don't work, Ivermection prevents Covid, anti-vax messaging, against school mandates, against healthcare employee mandates, etc. How can you say that political views do not play into differences???

Because the FACTS and DATA tells there is a distinct and significant difference in vaccination rate and hospitalization rates between Blue and Red areas. Look at the polls - Republicans and conservative media outlets have led the way on disinformation on this matter - masks don't work, Ivermection prevents Covid, anti-vax messaging, against school mandates, against healthcare employee mandates, etc. How can you say that political views do not play into differences???
You may want to stop watching MSNBC and CNN and their propaganda

Because the FACTS and DATA tells there is a distinct and significant difference in vaccination rate and hospitalization rates between Blue and Red areas. Look at the polls - Republicans and conservative media outlets have led the way on disinformation on this matter - masks don't work, Ivermection prevents Covid, anti-vax messaging, against school mandates, against healthcare employee mandates, etc. How can you say that political views do not play into differences???

Unfortunately they won't require it because they have already allowed people to stay without being vaccinated. They should get rid of those that can't handle a shot. Get rid of them..Let some deserving person take their place. Freedom comes with a certain degree of responsibility and to handle that responsibility probably requires some level of intelligence. You question your freedom...well you don't deserve a choice, because you are too stupid to handle the responsibility!

Unfortunately they won't require it because they have already allowed people to stay without being vaccinated. They should get rid of those that can't handle a shot. Get rid of them..Let some deserving person take their place. Freedom comes with a certain degree of responsibility and to handle that responsibility probably requires some level of intelligence. You question your freedom...well you don't deserve a choice, because you are too stupid to handle the responsibility!
This is America, people have freedom here Mr. Biden or at least did till you ruined the country

This is America, people have freedom here Mr. Biden or at least did till you ruined the country
Have you READ your clinical studies? Most, if not All, patients in Phase 1 Are Vaccinated. Not against COVID but if you bothered to read it, it was level One Criteria. Get Your Head out of your ARSE and don’t go. We’ve Got Your Number :)

Unfortunately they won't require it because they have already allowed people to stay without being vaccinated. They should get rid of those that can't handle a shot. Get rid of them..Let some deserving person take their place. Freedom comes with a certain degree of responsibility and to handle that responsibility probably requires some level of intelligence. You question your freedom...well you don't deserve a choice, because you are too stupid to handle the responsibility!
Vaccinated people are still getting covid and are still able to spread covid, therefore there is no such thing as a "safe meeting".

Biden aint no prize but Are you kidding with the Trump admin and their bungling COVID?? Lets try "it will go away" in the summer, then don't improve testing - that will just report more cases, then can we shine a light on the inside of our bodies to kill the virus? (what?) - now we have Senators telling us to gargle mouthwash and take Ivermectin (horse de-wormer - already proven in a number of human studies to be ineffective). The Republican party bumbled their way through this - in fact, if they had not - Trump would have won re-election - which he did NOT.

Covid-19: Unvaccinated face 11 times risk of death from delta variant, CDC data show
BMJ 2021; 374 doi: (Published 16 September 2021)Cite this as: BMJ 2021;374:n2282
Read our latest coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

  1. Owen Dyer

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Unvaccinated Americans have died at 11 times the rate of those fully vaccinated since the delta variant became the dominant strain, indicate surveillance data gathered over the summer by the US Centers for Disease Control.

Vaccinated people were 10 times less likely to be admitted to hospital and five times less likely to be infected than unvaccinated people, found one study that tracked adults across 13 states and cities.1

Levels of protection were lower than were conferred by vaccines offered at the end of spring, the study found. Vaccine efficacy has declined since the delta variant became dominant around 20 June. The decline in efficacy against hospital admission or death was small, but the protection offered against infection has slipped more significantly.

From 4 April to 20 June unvaccinated people died from covid-19 at 16.6 times the rate among the fully vaccinated (95% confidence interval 13.5 to 20.4). Between 20 June and 17 July that rate fell to 11.3 (9.1 to 13.9). Before 20 June admissions of unvaccinated people with covid-19 to hospital were running at 13.3 (11.3 to 15.6) times the rate among the vaccinated, but this had fallen to 10.4 (8.1 to 13.3) after that date.

Unvaccinated people were infected at 11.1 (7.8 to 15.8) times the rate of the vaccinated before 20 June but at only 4.6 (2.5 to 8.5) times the rate thereafter.

These figures represent declines in crude efficacy, for all vaccine types combined, from 94% to 91% for death, 92% to 90% for hospital admissions, and 91% to 78% for infection.

The delta variant now accounts for over 99% of new infections in the US. Just over half (54%) of the total population is now fully vaccinated, with 63% having received at least one shot.

The CDC study tracked 569 142 covid-19 cases, 34 972 hospital admissions, and 6132 deaths. Of the vaccinated people, 92% had received mRNA vaccines, the remainder the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.

Efficacy declines with age
The decline in vaccine efficacy was greatest in the over-65 age group, the study found. This might reflect declining immunity in people who were vaccinated early, noted the authors of another CDC study that also found lower protection levels in older vaccine recipients.2

Vaccines were 89% (85% to 92%) effective in preventing covid-19 hospital admissions among adults aged under 75 but 76% (64% to 84%) effective in those over 75, found this study, which reviewed 32 867 emergency department visits that led to coronavirus tests.

The overall level of protection against hospital admission for covid-19 remained high, at 86%. But this study also showed, for the first time, substantial variation between the different vaccines. The Moderna vaccine was 92% effective in preventing emergency care visits for covid-19, while the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 77% effective and the Janssen vaccine 65% effective.

This apparent advantage of Moderna is a new finding but is consistent with another, as yet unpublished study,3 the authors noted.

A third CDC study conducted at five urban Veterans Affairs hospitals, which measured the performance of mRNA vaccines only, picked up some of the same signals.4 Vaccine efficacy against hospital admission did not fall as the delta variant arrived but was persistently lower in the over-65s, at 79.8% (67.7% to 87.4%), than in adults under 65, at 95.1% (89.1% to 97.8%).

The Moderna vaccine was 91.6% (83.5% to 95.7%) effective overall at preventing hospital admission and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine 83.4% (74% to 89.4%).

There was no difference in vaccine efficacy between white and black Veterans Affairs patients. There was also no difference between people who were vaccinated more than 90 days previously and those whose last shot was more recent.

The data offered “further evidence of the power of vaccination,” said CDC director Rochelle Walensky, presenting the three studies’ findings at a White House briefing. “As we have shown, study after study, vaccination works.”

Vaccinated people are still getting covid and are still able to spread covid, therefore there is no such thing as a "safe meeting".
This is A FOR PROFIT COMPANY! Just like every HCP takes a RISK ! think First Responder’s who can’t help to respond to a calling? you deliver DONUTS! Get over your self. You’re Not That Important.

Biden aint no prize but Are you kidding with the Trump admin and their bungling COVID?? Lets try "it will go away" in the summer, then don't improve testing - that will just report more cases, then can we shine a light on the inside of our bodies to kill the virus? (what?) - now we have Senators telling us to gargle mouthwash and take Ivermectin (horse de-wormer - already proven in a number of human studies to be ineffective). The Republican party bumbled their way through this - in fact, if they had not - Trump would have won re-election - which he did NOT.
Lol, it's time to turn off Joy Reid, you're ignorance and lack of facts are comical