Kickoff meeting 2022

Exactly. The unvaccinated get more sick. So what? If you are vaccinated, why do you care? We know that vaccinated people can spread Covid too….so that argument to get vaccinated is now gone. It’s not a question of getting vaccinated to protect your fellow mankind any longer. Now the vaccine is just to protect yourself from a bad case. FYI, “we will never beat” the seasonal flu either! This is here to stay. High risk people can and will die. Just like the flu. Did we mandate seasonal flu shots? (Notice I said “shot” not “vaccine”). No we don’t mandate it. If you want to protect yourself, get vaccinated! But if you don’t care that you may end up in the hospital, then don’t. It’s a free country. Enough of this nonsense. I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m just following the science and facts.

While the number of infected for the vaccinated are nearly as high as the unvaccinated the reality is that a much higher percentage of unvaccinated becomes infected. My area is 91% vaccinated. This means that 9% of the population, which represents a little more infected people than the vaccinated population is 10x the risk of being infected. Is that causation or correlation? I don’t know. But the reality is that the unvaccinated are driving the pandemic on - that’s a fact. And vaccinate people are contagious for a much shorter duration.

And your a selfish ass. Go get your damn shots or get out of healthcare.

While the number of infected for the vaccinated are nearly as high as the unvaccinated the reality is that a much higher percentage of unvaccinated becomes infected. My area is 91% vaccinated. This means that 9% of the population, which represents a little more infected people than the vaccinated population is 10x the risk of being infected. Is that causation or correlation? I don’t know. But the reality is that the unvaccinated are driving the pandemic on - that’s a fact. And vaccinate people are contagious for a much shorter duration.

And your a selfish ass. Go get your damn shots or get out of healthcare.

Look at the hot spots of ICU shortages/Covid Dx in the country - see a trend? Those areas - generally RED and voted for Trump- with low vaccinations rates are fueling this pandemic.

While the number of infected for the vaccinated are nearly as high as the unvaccinated the reality is that a much higher percentage of unvaccinated becomes infected. My area is 91% vaccinated. This means that 9% of the population, which represents a little more infected people than the vaccinated population is 10x the risk of being infected. Is that causation or correlation? I don’t know. But the reality is that the unvaccinated are driving the pandemic on - that’s a fact. And vaccinate people are contagious for a much shorter duration.

And your a selfish ass. Go get your damn shots or get out of healthcare.

While the number of infected for the vaccinated are nearly as high as the unvaccinated the reality is that a much higher percentage of unvaccinated becomes infected. My area is 91% vaccinated. This means that 9% of the population, which represents a little more infected people than the vaccinated population is 10x the risk of being infected. Is that causation or correlation? I don’t know. But the reality is that the unvaccinated are driving the pandemic on - that’s a fact. And vaccinate people are contagious for a much shorter duration.

And your a selfish ass. Go get your damn shots or get out of healthcare.

I’m conservative. Who I voted for has nothing to do with anything. Interesting how the left can’t have an adult debate without getting angry and calling people “ass”. FYI, I’m vaccinated (all 3 shots) and I’m not selfish. I got the shot because 1. I originally thought it would protect my fellow citizens. 2. I work for Jazz and they pay me and they wanted me to get vaccinated and 3. I’m around immunocompromised people. All of this was my choice. I don’t believe in government dictating to me what I do regarding my health. Especially in this case when the mortality rate is minuscule. Evidently the omicron variant causes a scratchy throat and a little fatigue! Please. Why are we still calling this a pandemic?! Be careful about signing in to government mandates…give em an inch and they’ll take a mile. Lefty, I’m assuming you are pro-choice, am I right? How do you reconcile that dichotomy?

Mr??? That a typical assumption. It’s Mrs. lol.

The vast majority of the people who have died were high risk. Hopefully they are smart enough to get vaccinated.

you yourself said it’s the unvaccinated getting the unvaccinated sick. The unvaccinated are being hospitalized and dying. Why not shrug it off as natural selection! Those who are too stupid to get vaccinated have a higher chance of dying. The government no longer needs to intervene. They (Trump) provided the vaccines and therapeutics at warp speed, the rest is up to the individual. Just like the seasonal flu, it’s not going away. Maybe the government should start mandating vaccination of illegal immigrants at the border. But they are getting a pass for some unknown reason.

No free half day?! KS and AG must have used their metrics to determine those 4 hours would equate to 5 extra RXs if not wasted. Seriously, though, Jazz culture is officially dead.

Not a conservative here, just a believer in individual right and looking at the data critically. The company needs to acknowledge medical exemptions
Plenty of People want your “medical exemption “ which puts you at the top of a list for a RIF! Come on, you don’t work as it is. Mark my words, you take an exemption? You days are numbered. We Are A For Profit business. Now get over yourself and deliver those Donuts

No free half day?! KS and AG must have used their metrics to determine those 4 hours would equate to 5 extra RXs if not wasted. Seriously, though, Jazz culture is officially dead.

Well we’ll all have a bunch of free time when we’re all in isolation from COVID infections after the meeting.

Me, I’ll be faking a positive rapid test so that I don’t put my family through that. KJ can lick my harry balls.

I have had it with these libertarians re their personal "freedom" and refusal to vaccinate. Despite overwhelming evidence that the vaccine is safe/effective and not getting it increases your risks for getting the virus exponentially. You are not on an island - you are a member of a society and have obligations (to others) as one. And with regard to mandates - there are very effective vaccine mandates that have been in place for decades to allow kids to attend school (which have eliminated polio, for instance). This whole anti-vax, anti-science, anti- fact stance is complete bullshit and grounded in Trumpian politics.

Morons gargling with mouthwash to kill the virus, Ivermectin, and other such "remedies" are not proven by any science yet these "leaders" tout them - irresponsibly. These assholes are a menace to public health. And while you claim personal freedom not to get a vaccine - you are more likely to get sick/in up in a hospital/occupy an ICU bed - you are a burden to society and others in need of that hospital bed. Stop thinking about yourself and your personal freedoms - this is a catastrophic pandemic that will kill over 1 million Americans in two years. Time to be a team player, responsible citizen and true American. Get vaccinated.

I have had it with these libertarians re their personal "freedom" and refusal to vaccinate. Despite overwhelming evidence that the vaccine is safe/effective and not getting it increases your risks for getting the virus exponentially. You are not on an island - you are a member of a society and have obligations (to others) as one. And with regard to mandates - there are very effective vaccine mandates that have been in place for decades to allow kids to attend school (which have eliminated polio, for instance). This whole anti-vax, anti-science, anti- fact stance is complete bullshit and grounded in Trumpian politics.

Morons gargling with mouthwash to kill the virus, Ivermectin, and other such "remedies" are not proven by any science yet these "leaders" tout them - irresponsibly. These assholes are a menace to public health. And while you claim personal freedom not to get a vaccine - you are more likely to get sick/in up in a hospital/occupy an ICU bed - you are a burden to society and others in need of that hospital bed. Stop thinking about yourself and your personal freedoms - this is a catastrophic pandemic that will kill over 1 million Americans in two years. Time to be a team player, responsible citizen and true American. Get vaccinated.

It sounds like someone has drank the Collectivist Cool Aid. If you’ve already had the virus there isn’t much danger to you or the community. If you do a risk benefit analysis it may not make sense for you to get the vaccine. I don’t see anything political about this. If you think it is political, you probably watch too much TV

Plenty of People want your “medical exemption “ which puts you at the top of a list for a RIF! Come on, you don’t work as it is. Mark my words, you take an exemption? You days are numbered. We Are A For Profit business. Now get over yourself and deliver those Donuts
Yup, and 5 days listening to BS rah rah talk will lead to monumental sales increases right? Total waste of time and money by a company that is showing it doesn't care about the employees, because if it did it wouldn't pressure them to attend against their will for health reasons!