Keep your heads up! There is life after BI/Pharm!!

I'm sorry, you have NO ability to use the word DUMB. YOu argued for 17 pages about how ICS was a (And I quote) "Dead end". You messed up basic spelling and grammar. Then, acting like a true 18 year old, said I meant to do that and repeated the jokes. You screwed up other people's ability to plan properly for the utter failure that Stiolto has been from day 1. Then you want to lecture people about the business world. You were horribly wrong at all your points on the STiolto thread and didn't even have the ability to admit to a single one of them. You are a child. Nothing more. Don't speak of the business world.
No, but I think its funny to watch you get all unhinged. ICS is a dead end though, you should do some research.

Okay, here is some honest advice. Pharma has been dying a slow death for years. The days of independent practices and specialty have been replaced with group and provider networks. With that said...if you have excelled in understanding the market and developed serious relationships with providers that are key opinion leaders with medical directors, c-level executives and provider relations then your career is transferable.

I was laid off over 6 years ago and transitioned into selling healthcare services to major health plans across the US. I never worry about layoffs, pharma regulations or how much a dinner cost per person. If you are serious about your selling career and not in it for the 11:00 - 2:00 then you are marketable.

Pharma reps have a really, really, really bad reputation as being lazy robots that repeat whatever big pharma tells them. Break the cycle, think outside of the box and get out while you can. Oh, and don't bark up the medical device sales tree like all the other reps. You are better than that.

Good luck. BI Laid off Class of 2009!