Karyopharm - oncology

I found a few spare quarters in my couch and considered buying some shares of Karyopharm.

but then I saw a bottle of Diet Coke for $1.75, and wanted that way more. So I bought that instead.

You have to tolerate complete shit at a startup?

So this is your first. Which is OK. I am just saying there is a lot of volatility at a start up. It is not always smooth, and can take years for things to come to fruition, and there is a luck component to it to be sure. Unfortunately, there is a lot of failures along the way and buyouts are not happening at the speed they did 10 years ago.

Look at the last few startup build-outs and buyouts...SeaGen very lucrative but it took how many decades to get there? Tesaro? Made next to nothing with most shares underwater. Clovis? Crap Show. Aveo? Peanuts. CTI? Same. Mirati? Dead in the water. There really hasn't been that many in last five years that have made big splashes quickly.

The endo data is solid and will help. Sure RP is not great. I get it, but he is not going to get this place sold or not. We need good data to get suitors excited so hopefully the endo data will get things moving.

For the rest of the people, I'll say this, SC is smart and getting better and more settled in, and becoming less annoying/demanding in her role. We have some good people on the commercial side who get it and are doing their best to make life here good. Unfortunately there are not a ton of great alternatives out there right now as big pharma for most of us is a non-starter, so at this point KPTI isn't the worst place to be. The checks keep cashing, bonuses are being paid, the little perks are nice and I think most of the sales team are good and talented people. Not saying the grass isn't greener at other places, just saying there aren't that many patches to land on.