karuna deal

This medication is in an entirely new class by itself. Doctors tend to prescribe many drugs in the same class (polypharmacy) when symptoms aren't fully controlled. This would most likey be used as an add-on to first/second gen antipsychotics. Its not intended to replace the first line drugs. So the fact that its BID vs daily doesn't make a huge difference as its a second line agent.
Thanks for this info. How is it being perceived so far by physicians if anything? Should I also be hesitant it’s not approved by the FDA yet? I know it’s pending with possibly September approval. I know bigger companies tend to higher a ton of reps for a launch then within a year or two can be let go. I know that can be with any company but bigger companies have that reputation.

Thanks for this info. How is it being perceived so far by physicians if anything? Should I also be hesitant it’s not approved by the FDA yet? I know it’s pending with possibly September approval. I know bigger companies tend to higher a ton of reps for a launch then within a year or two can be let go. I know that can be with any company but bigger companies have that reputation.
Ok dummy then WTF are you posting BS for? Sorry you got rejected.

I love keyboard bullies with real life inadequacies. You believe anyone that asks questions or makes factual comments was rejected? Seems like you need to get on one of these psych meds yourself honey!
Thank you for that support. To the other person, I was not rejected. I have a final interview this week and was looking for more information, that is all. Tough crowd

Thank you for that support. To the other person, I was not rejected. I have a final interview this week and was looking for more information, that is all. Tough crowd
This is the atmosphere you will be entering into if you get the gig. It's like Lord of the Flies at BMS these days.....watch your cornhole.

This is the atmosphere you will be entering into if you get the gig. It's like Lord of the Flies at BMS these days.....watch your cornhole.
Really funny. Thats Exactly what the nutty trolls who try hijacking this thread would like you to believe. Keep this thread positive with helpful info about this new CNS division.

Yes unfortunately you have couple of disgruntled trolls on here With nothing better to do with there time,

*Their time* fixed. Counterpoint is you have someone claiming anyone not hailing this as the perfect job and amazing at every turn as being rejected. I call that extreme confirmation bias, can’t look objectively at what anyone else is asking or stating.

*Their time* fixed. Counterpoint is you have someone claiming anyone not hailing this as the perfect job and amazing at every turn as being rejected. I call that extreme confirmation bias, can’t look objectively at what anyone else is asking or stating.
You appear testy and derogatory especially playing the English teacher cop on here. Why the defensive nasty attitude? Do you work at BMS or are you interested in a new CNS role here?

Really funny. Thats Exactly what the nutty trolls who try hijacking this thread would like you to believe. Keep this thread positive with helpful info about this new CNS division.
Yes definitely. Pharma is Pharma and most should know any job comes down to the manager that you will be working for and how you gel with them. So far in this hiring process things seem to be good with the hiring manager. That’s why these chats are usually skewed. People are quick to blast off based on their on personal situation which has zero relevance to this hiring process. Pretty much all the hiring managers are new to BMS.

Yes definitely. Pharma is Pharma and most should know any job comes down to the manager that you will be working for and how you gel with them. So far in this hiring process things seem to be good with the hiring manager. That’s why these chats are usually skewed. People are quick to blast off based on their on personal situation which has zero relevance to this hiring process. Pretty much all the hiring managers are new to BMS.
Thanks for this info. Very helpful. Anyone hesitant that it’s pending approval with approval being September? And that it’s BID?

There is an old saying in pharma that being the 1st drug of a new class is better than being the best of the class. KarXT fits this category. They’ll be the only drug of a new class for the first couple of years before others hit. salaries will be very competitive to the market and you have 2 years to reap the benefits of a 1st in class new drug. In pharma nowadays 2 years is an eternity.