karuna deal

It’ll be ok rep jobs here for the new Karuna division but salary not all that great. Get some launch exp in CNS here and use it to parlay into something better in 18 months.

Then they’ll get a bunch of low skilled PCP caliber reps at that low price point. You get what you pay for.

This right here is some BS. Stop acting like a diva. There are plenty of recently displaced reps who will fight and claw for business (which is what is needed). I'd rather have that then some salary mercenary who is just going to complain every 5 minutes.

This right here is some BS. Stop acting like a diva. There are plenty of recently displaced reps who will fight and claw for business (which is what is needed). I'd rather have that then some salary mercenary who is just going to complain every 5 minutes.
If it’s a walking billboard that you’re referring to, you’re likely correct. Hell in that case there is no need to pay 130 when you can hire young hot 25 year old gals for 50k. Careful what you wish for fella.

Let’s identify the 3 groups of candidates in play here.

Group 1 The seasoned reps with 10+ years CNS specialty experience who will demand the high salaries.
Group 2 The 3-5 year experienced rep with mostly PCP experience wanting to get into specialty Pharma and will accept a subpar salary.
Groups 3 The young smoke show female reps with 2 years experience at Enterprise Rental Cars who will do anything to land a Pharma job.

the likely scenario of how this will go down is about 60% of the hires will be from group 1. About 30% from group 2 and about 10% from group 3.

Let’s identify the 3 groups of candidates in play here.

Group 1 The seasoned reps with 10+ years CNS specialty experience who will demand the high salaries.
Group 2 The 3-5 year experienced rep with mostly PCP experience wanting to get into specialty Pharma and will accept a subpar salary.
Groups 3 The young smoke show female reps with 2 years experience at Enterprise Rental Cars who will do anything to land a Pharma job.

the likely scenario of how this will go down is about 60% of the hires will be from group 1. About 30% from group 2 and about 10% from group 3.

Group 1- Laughable...
"The seasoned rep w/10 years of CNS exp."You people are insane. I left the cath lab and came back to Pharma due to a family situation since I know how easy it is. Its a brain dead job and Psych is by far the easiest of specialties to gain new, quick relationships and they are eager for new products. After layoff announcements BMS should make this team 75% current employees. They have outstanding CV sales reps that I saw busting butt everyday, if these reps can get into the Cath lab, talk to Cardiologists without skipping a beat you are downgrading the current talent. Cardiology and Onc/Heme are tough not Psych.

Let’s identify the 3 groups of candidates in play here.

Group 1 The seasoned reps with 10+ years CNS specialty experience who will demand the high salaries.
Group 2 The 3-5 year experienced rep with mostly PCP experience wanting to get into specialty Pharma and will accept a subpar salary.
Groups 3 The young smoke show female reps with 2 years experience at Enterprise Rental Cars who will do anything to land a Pharma job.

the likely scenario of how this will go down is about 60% of the hires will be from group 1. About 30% from group 2 and about 10% from group 3.
Group 2 75%, Group 3 10% Group, 15% Group 1. Group #1 because the only way ur coming here is because it's ur last job before retirement or coming out of retirement. Seasoned reps would never choose the big pharma circus unless they have a horrible or no job.

Group 2 75%, Group 3 10% Group, 15% Group 1. Group #1 because the only way ur coming here is because it's ur last job before retirement or coming out of retirement. Seasoned reps would never choose the big pharma circus unless they have a horrible or no job.
You are correct, plus schizophrenia patients don’t want to take a twice a day med. They don’t even want to take any med.

You are correct, plus schizophrenia patients don’t want to take a twice a day med. They don’t even want to take any med.
Exactly! Its only Alkermes, and maybe Abbvie coming over because their gig is worse. I only know of 2 current BMS employees even applying. The rest are holding out for severance or retirement, take an all day nap in Onc/Heme or are leaving this shit hole. Good luck! Also BMS cant launch a product so there is also that especially in Psych..

Let’s identify the 3 groups of candidates in play here.

Group 1 The seasoned reps with 10+ years CNS specialty experience who will demand the high salaries.
Group 2 The 3-5 year experienced rep with mostly PCP experience wanting to get into specialty Pharma and will accept a subpar salary.
Groups 3 The young smoke show female reps with 2 years experience at Enterprise Rental Cars who will do anything to land a Pharma job.

the likely scenario of how this will go down is about 60% of the hires will be from group 1. About 30% from group 2 and about 10% from group 3.

I had a phone interview for this position. HR said they don’t have a formal plan in place of the hiring process or when will the reps start date will be. Current call backs are just being done to see who they may be able to bring for further consideration in the future once they know what the f they are doing lol hiring manager doesn’t even know what criterias they are focusing on for their perfect candidate. Great times …..

Exactly! Its only Alkermes, and maybe Abbvie coming over because their gig is worse. I only know of 2 current BMS employees even applying. The rest are holding out for severance or retirement, take an all day nap in Onc/Heme or are leaving this shit hole. Good luck! Also BMS cant launch a product so there is also that especially in Psych..
Don’t worry, we got Luther from Alkermes to lead this division to the promised land!