Kaleo can't stay out of trouble

I heard they will not be paying the retention bonus in Jan. Reps will have a very challenging comp plan in 2024. Insurance plans will start to drop coverage mid year. That’s when they won’t need us anymore.

Not what I heard…and I did not realize that development…Eric and Evan were the actual ones working to turn the place around…in my opinion were the only ones who cared about the employees, tried to drive the pipeline forward and the prev incompetent CEO tried to sideline them…they quit… didn’t get fired…Eric was then asked to join the kaleo Board…fired the CEO, replaced the board, and helped lead the sale to Marathon. So- although he is not at kaleo…he knows exactly what to do to impact the epi space and further cause pain to AQ. I would be concerned

So now who’s safe since CJ isn’t running the show. Some of you reps are so dumb to not see the writing on the wall. Thinking you’re safe..… The package they give isn’t worth the stress... life doesn’t stop, bills don’t stop. Look for a new job and get out before the next wave hits you.

I can not believe Marathon did that to us.
CJ is Kaleo. He hired all of us in the beginning and made us what they thought was worth 300 million.
he better have got a sack of cash on way out the door

I can not believe Marathon did that to us.
CJ is Kaleo. He hired all of us in the beginning and made us what they thought was worth 300 million.
he better have got a sack of cash on way out the door

I say good riddance to that guy. How many people did he fire over the years he was there? He is part of the corrupt culture that got this company in trouble because of extreme, immoral greed.

I heard he asked us to comment on his post but I can’t even get a phone call, email, or a post from him when I was recently let go. Shows that leadership never cared about us, but you think that if you do good for them they’ll do good for you. I know my next job will be better than this one for sure. I’m amazed how they can get new hires, doesn’t anyone look up the company. Hehehe

Guess he didn’t keep his head on a swivel looking out for this Wild Boar?

Wants us to all write good things about him yet when our teammates got canned last year he was nowhere to be found for them.

This “man” is far and away the worst “leader” in the industry. From the perversive stalking of young female employees online to the out of control atmosphere when there’s bourbon around, this is a pretender if ever there was one.

To feel sorry in any way for a guy like this who gleefully laughs about his managers and reps behind their backs, and then typically either tries to sue or gag people who leave is no accident. And it doesn’t come from anyone except him. And it’s gone on for many years. Why? Because he’s slimy. And breaks rules. And was surrounded by cronies just like him. And had brief power to threaten anyone who would speak about all that Kaleo did illegally and immorally to people.

Here’s your endorsement: Want a guy who can take an innovative $1B potential product and make it worth a fraction of that? Want a head of sales who can turn over the sales force annually? Want a guy who is regularly under investigation and costs the company more in legal fees than he brings in profits? Want a guy who seemingly can’t escape his glory years of being in a college fraternity forty years ago? Want a guy who makes any woman uncomfortable when they’re around him in a skirt or yoga pants? Want a guy with a line up of people who’ve laughed at his silly decision making everywhere he goes? Want a guy who you have to research to find out someone to say something positive about? Want a guy who laughs at the trauma he causes when he hears about people he terminated because he had to collapse yet another under performing geography he created? Generally, if you want a guy that anyone who knows him will say “they hired HIM?!? Good luck!”


Too bad they can’t raise morale for us people that are still here. I can’t believe they don’t give us off between Christmas and New Year’s. We need to speak up louder, too many followers, not enough leaders.

Too bad they can’t raise morale for us people that are still here. I can’t believe they don’t give us off between Christmas and New Year’s. We need to speak up louder, too many followers, not enough leaders.

And the salary here is very low. I was making 90 and just got an offer at another company for 130. Don’t settle because there are much better jobs out there.